162 | STRONG Life QnA: Training Tips for Runners + Strength Coach Confidence & Business Tips


It's been a LONG time since crushing a QnA session.

This episode (162) brings only 1 training question and MANY Business Questions.

As Arnold said, "It's not that hard for me to give the wrong advices."

Have NO fear, I give only the RIGHT advices.

And in case you missed it, I've started something called "REAL Talk", we'll be adding these short, mini episodes every week and they will be 15 minutes max. I won't post them to the blog so only the dedicated listeners will catch them via iTunes and Stitcher.

I will link the first episode below so you get a taste of how these Bonus episodes will roll out.

Here are some topics / questions discussed in STRONG Life Podcast Ep. 162:

  • How to incorporate / blend the conjugate method into prepping for a 10K run / race
  • How to leverage your knowledge and skills as a Strength Coach to hold seminars / expand your reach online
  • How Zach helped a retired State Trooper take his skills to a new business
  • How to develop your confidence as a Strength Coach AND in Life
  • Why do men start thinking they are "too old" once they are in their 30s

Dig in and enjoy!

Of course, Please share with friends & leave a 5 star review on iTunes, your support helps me spread the word! BIG thanks in advance!

The photo above I found after updating my new iPhone, and I don't recall how I ever found this photo but I shared it on my Instagram.

In addition, I've been having some great conversations on Twitter with other Coaches and connecting with people more so than ever before. Connecting with other Coaches, inventors, entrepreneurs.....

I'm finding a way to make social media better. We hear others, myself included, talking about how it's too much connection to the web, not enough connection to the real world. I challenge you to find a way to make it ALL work to your advantage.

In addition, I challenge you to train outdoors, explore, engage in nature, leave the phone in the car. Your discipline will make your life infinitely better if you choose to.

I've been reading aggressively and sharing screen shots of what I read on my Instagram.

I suggest you keep up with my STRONG Life Podcast, subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and leverage your time when driving or taking a walk.

BIG Thanks to my sponsor, Intek Strength. Use code zach100 for 10% off.

Until the next time, stay connected with me and attack your goals and Life 10X.

Live The Code 365,


4 Spots Left for The STRONG Life Experience

Online Training with Zach

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"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
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