STOP Injuring Your Lower Back



Have you ever injured your lower back? I don't know anyone that hasn't, even if they aren't hard charging, heavy lifting maniacs.

The first time I injured my back is a time I will never forget, and I recall it as if it happened 2 minutes ago. I was a 2nd year teacher, maybe my 3rd year.... I was young, that's for sure!

I was at my peak in strength and muscle. I had just smashed a brutal leg workout that evening at Diamond Gym. I squatted 455 for 5 reps, did walking lunges with 60 and 70 lb dumbbells and finished off my day with 405 lb RDLs, aka stiff leg deadlifts.

I was a MONSTER....

So, how does a monster injure his lower back when he can squat 455 for 5 reps? The story will make you laugh....

It was around 10 o'clock at night and I was picking out my clothes for work the next day, about to take them downstairs to iron them.

I dropped the hanger for my shirt and bent over to pick it up. I can safely assume this plastic hanger weighed a whopping 1 lb. I bent over and half way up, BANG!!! I felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck my lower back.

I as frozen in that bent over position and walked backwards and collapsed on my bed, called my Mom (yes, I lived with Mommy and Daddy) and she got me a heating pad and I didn't get out of bed till Noon the next day.

It was brutal trying to get out of bed and walking was a different story altogether. The year was 2000 or maybe 2001. Prehab or rehab? I never heard of it. Foam roller? What the hell is that?

Off to 3 weeks of Physical Therapy while some guy in his young 20s is surrounded by injured & post surgery people in their 40s, 50s and older.

Where was Mike Robertson when I needed him? It would be another year or two before I made my way into the world of strength and conditioning. Today, if I get tweaked or injured or have an athlete I just can't figure out, Mike Robertson is my go to guy.

I have always said this: Your Health Is # 1, Without Your Health You Have Nothing!

It doesn't matter if you're a Strength Coach or not, you are always the Coach of Your Own Body. Training hard is one thing, but training smart enables you to train hard on a consistent basis, giving you better results on a consistent basis.

Pay attention to the details in this video...

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Do you have questions on lower back pain? Drop them below and I'll see if I can snag a quick interview with Mike to help you guys out!

Till then, check out his training course and invest in YOU. Yes, YOU are that important. Stop wasting money on bull shyt and invest in the ONLY thing you can count on, YOURSELF.

Become Bulletproof, Click HERE for Details


7 Responses

  1. Dustin Maynard says:

    Sure did! I injured my back twice….and both were from squatting. I remember very vividly—i was squatting deep into the hole, was on my final rep—and on my way up, i felt the loudest “pop” in my lower back. It stopped me dead in my tracks, and ALMOST fell backwards with the weight on my shoulders. It was about 250-275. Took me 2 weeks to recover.

    The 2nd time—I’ve already done 40 reps with….250lbs. I am not an expert squatter. Did one rep per minute. I was gunning for 50. Again, I could deadlift 640, and I never squatted past 250. I have a strong back, just…terrible at squatting. Well, on my 41st rep—got caught in the hole. Could NOT get back up. Had no choice but to fall backwards, barbell hit my back and all that. It was a mess. No power racks, bros. Never a pretty thing. Had to call off work for 2 days! I told my boss straight up what happened. No Bullshit.

    Treatment? A shitload of ice, rest, hot baths, pineapples, fish oil, and…..Angle walking. I walked in a angle (mainly because i had no choice—kept on walking until I was walking vertically. 🙂

  2. How do you reach when you are squating? You would end up with good mornings! I hurt my lower back and have been going to the chiropractor for a couple of months, but after watching this I am pretty sure it’s got something to do with arching my back when squatting heavy and compressing my spine. I thought I would have to quit squatting but I will be happy if i learn it’s just my technique needs teaking!

  3. Good point about not hyper-extending the back.
    Very good, once again, thanks Z!

  4. Timothy Clark says:

    Hey Zach,
    It’s Tim, the dog guy from Indiana, you might remember the video I sent you. Anyway about 12 years ago, when I was 31, I blew my back out at work. I ended up having a double spinal fusion, L4-L5-S1, and titanium rods put in my back. The test I did after rehab said I was 13% disabled, whatever. Well, this morning, after work, the same job I blew my back out on. I trap bar deadlifted 300 pounds. I know thats not much, its still a couple hundred pounds from my best back in the day. But, all things considered, I am very happy. Today was only about the fourth dead workout I have done. I did most MY(not the docs) rehab with the bridging series from Convict Conditioning, and am almost to a stand to stand bridge. So all in all I feel pretty darn good.

  5. Maybe I’m wrong, but plate/kettle bell swings are a pretty similiar motion.

  6. Hey Undergrounders,
    this is a very special subject to me as I’ve injured my back several times. Last time was 9 months ago and I couldnt get up for almost 2weeks. I dont want to go into details – all I’ve got to say at this point is this:

    We’re all different. One can lift 500lbs without hurting his/her back another individual will lift 30lbs from the floor and end up in hospital. Most important thing is this – train hard, but smart! Listen to yr body! As with ones knees and shoulders – you’ll need them for years to come! Never forget that.

    For me this means foremost to train regularly, mostly bodyweight with good pre/post workout preparation and staying away from max lifts. Again – Listen to your body!

  7. terry macdonald says:

    ive been watching your videos for awhile they have been extremely helpful not only with the training but the whole mental aspect of it im tha same age as you and i like how you once said that people said you wont be doing this as you get older but like you im still pushing it everytime i train,i also agree that chins are great,i do them 3 times a week;55 with bdywt,55 weighted and 30-35 thick towel pullups,keep up the great info thanks

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