Age Doesn’t Matter: STRONGER, Faster, Tougher STRENGTH Tips


In a world filled with entitlement, excuses and complainers, NOW more than ever is the time to spread the word on being STRONGER both in and out of the gym.

Every time I hear someone complaining about something trivial, something that has ZERO effect on their own life, I feel like I need to drag them to the gym for some Squats and Deadlifts. Or they need to carry groceries home for a few miles rather than driving in their air conditioned car.

Too Much Comfort = Too Many Complainers.

Manual Labor straightens out a lot of people rather quickly. As Jim Wendler says, most of us have NO work to do in our life so we create manual labor through weight lifting. Joe DeSena has his family train every day at 6 AM and in turn, no one complains about breakfast, no one says they're not hungry.....

You have to focus your energy towards a challenging task. Your mind no longer has the freedom to wander and complain about things that are none of your business or weak in general.

Age doesn't matter here. Strength discriminates against no one.

The NEW norm must be STRONG people, regardless of your age. The older you are, the more important it is for you to be STRONG.

Less complications and More Results.

  • The 1 thing you always have control over is your EFFORT.
  • Warm Up Like An Athlete: Jumping, Calisthenics, Sprinting, Gymnastics Work
  • Attack the Basics: Squats, Deadlifts, Power Cleans, Farmer Walks, etc.
  • Eat Strong & Healthy at least 80% of the Time. If you train hard, then here and there you have EARNED your dessert
  • If you're tired or run down from work / life in general, perform a short warm up to take your focus away from being tired
  • Training is Training as my friend Jim Steel says. Do something.
  • "The Worst Thing that Can Happen to a Fighter" .... Or ANY Man

    - The Older Strength Books & Strength Magazines Emphasized basic Barbell Lifts, Gymnastics and Simple Living.

  • How Long Should Your Training Sessions Last with Bodyweight Bodybuilding?
  • How to Train A Wrestler to Get Tougher Preparing for a Big Tournament?
  • How many days a week do I train & why I train with this schedule.

Hope you enjoyed the Video and the info! Most of all, you MUST take ACTION with this information, do not be a silent spectator who absorbs information and does nothing.

To keep up with my Live Videos, you can follow me on my facebook profile and Instagram.

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6 Responses

  1. Jason Woods says:

    Awesome article and videos Zach!!!

  2. Z!

    “The Edge” is from Cleveland, O-H (my old hood), written by the St. Ed’s coach. Very rare to find…Coach Dunnells has a copy of it…I carried it with me like a bible during our 2012 run to the Group 2 State Championship for wrestling. Great stuff, thanks!

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