Nowadays you can get punished for being too ambitious, too passionate, caring too much, etc.... Punished by the WRONG people that is.
If you let the naysayers control your actions and hold down your passion you WILL Lose. Period.
Here is a quick story about why I take pride in The Underground Strength Gym and why you should stick to your passion no matter what! Pay close attention and don't let anyone or anything hold you back form living your dreams.
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
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13 Responses
Zach this was great!
Bob Parsons once said that when you love something it tells you all of it’s secrets. It’s so true.
When you are passionate it’s unreal the flood of quality stuff you learn about how to strive to excellence.
WOW, Matt, love that line from Bob parsons!!
Well said, Zach.
a) an idea is the vision, the direction, not necessarily the destination.
b) work is the road.
c) passion is your motor to get you there.
All three are required to get you from A to B in training, life,…
Everytime I had passion for something in life I made it happen. There was not a single wall that was to thick, to high, to wide to hold me down.
It is an essential mission in life to find your passion.
Keep rokin’
NO stopping a man or woman on a mission from the heart!!!!
The heart is where it’s at.
Chasing the vision not the money WINS!
Z, that us why I have followed your training for the 8+ years
This Android tablet often changes letters and words on me ๐
I meant to say that is why I have followed your training for the last 8+ years
Frank, MASSIVE respect 4 U, brotha, you are living proof of passion!!
Passion for life is contagious. When we are surrounded by reasonable people, itโs all good. Perhaps the trick is knowing which people are reasonable and those to avoid.
Great comments Zach, but sometimes I have frightened off a couple of clients because I told them the truth. Maybe I have to rephrase what I say. I am very black and white. No excuses. My business is slow because I won’t comprimise on my beliefs of bringing someone along as a whole person not just physically but on all levels.Too much Mark Devine!!!His course is really affecting me.
Gerard, remember bro, not everyone shows up as we want or hope them to be
Listen to their goals, then, get them in and mold them and show them how to get to the mind, body & spirit strength
You will be able to help them grow rather than scaring them off
You CAN do this bro!
Zach — It’s great to see someone with a spoken point of view in which they are taking charge of their life and making things happen rather than sitting around and looking for someone to do things for them.
Sure, one’s goals may be sidetracked and bumped around. But perseverence is what counts in the long run.
Hey Undergrounders,
I’ve come across a great documentary about muay thay. If you love fighting and living the fighters life – this is for you. Three stories about great passion and commitment for the fightgame.
Its rather long but definetly worth an hour of your lifetime:
Gerard sounds as if he makes the same mistake in selling that I do.
Intelligent people find it difficult to accept that logic, facts, and truth have nothing to do with sales.
You must “sell the sizzle, not the sausage” – watch any TV advert for something that is toxic and probably doesn’t work, and see their pretty little movie about why you must buy now. It has nothing to do with facts.
Emotion is the thing.