Be Strong or Be GONE – Why Men MUST be STRONG


bill starr deadlift

In life and everything else, if you're not stronger today than you were yesterday, you've got a MAJOR issue. You need to grow mentally and physically, daily. Strength in mind and body comes from regular practice, consistency and refusing to back down when things aren't lookin' so pretty.

Below, is the end of my power-bodybuilding workout. Gotta finish strong(er) than yesterday. On with the show!

I'm chasing strength and muscle just as I did when I was 13 & 1/2 years old.... except that was 22 years ago and you still can't stop me!

Gladiator Project

Question For You: How does Being Stronger drive you in life, NOT just when training, but in life? Drop your comments below. Looking forward to see what everyone shares!

Be Strong or Be GONE!


Recommended Resources:

Underground Strength Coach Cert

The Gladiator Experiment

Underground Inner Circle - 30 Day Trial

5 Responses

  1. I remember going to every store in Green Bay, WI looking for a weight set when I was 10 years old. Finally finding a 100# plastic set with bar. I was in love! At 15 years old I found ‘Powerlifting-A Scientific Approach’ and my life was changed forever. At the young age of 35 years old I am able to compete in powerlifting, strongman, and bodybuilding competitions all in the same year.
    If you can breath you can lift! Till death!
    I have had people telling me when you get older you will quit. Or when you get married you will find no reason to stay healthy. Or when you have kids you will have no time to lift.
    Married for 10 years, two kids, business, and 35 years old. I’m just getting started! I feel like I am finally living!
    Keep it up big dogg!
    PS-Thanks for the referral on the “4 hour body”. It is awesome, and very hard to put down! Thanks again!

  2. It’s making what you do in the gym count in your everyday life and this year I am making it count by competing for the first time at the age of 41. Strength training will always separate the men from the boys….

  3. Dustin, OH man do I remember those sand filled plastic weights, good ol’ days…. especially when sand wound up falling on your eyes or in your mouth πŸ™‚

    Keep kickin’ ass my man!

  4. Lee, I am psyched for you bro! What are you competing in??!! I wanna hear more my man!!

  5. I move a lot as a renter. I enjoy being able to lift heavy stuff and carry it far distances if need be. That isn’t the only purpose behind my strength training, but it has become part of it. The rest is just for my own personal satisfaction of moving around heavy weights. We run a strength biased CrossFit gym, and we are proud of that, and we enjoy following you, DeFranco, and the other warehouse strength gyms.


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