Bodyweight Bodybuilding BEAST Workouts


ripped gymnast

Bodyweight training is in my blood, just like lifting heavy objects is in my blood.

Ironically, MANY think the two don't go hand in hand, they believe it's ONE or the other.

Not true, my friends, I live for BOTH bodyweight training and the heavy iron.

Anyone who thinks differently is missing the boat as each one compliments the other, making you stronger in BOTH arenas.

Here are 2 videos from an 8 round bodyweight circuit of Pull, Push & Jump!

With Calisthenics, I love doing reverse ladders as well as "Running the Rack" where I took an old school Golden Era Bodybuilding Approach to dumbbell training and applied it to calisthenics.

Examples of the Reverse Ladders Bodyweight Bodybuilding Workout:

Perform a Circuit of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps.

Or more advanced can be higher reps.

A) Jumps (Squat Jump, Box Jump, Hurdle Jumps, Etc)

B) Varied Push Ups (feet elevated, rings, clapping, medicine ball)

C) Mixed Grip Pull Ups (Change Grips Every Set)

Running the Rack Style, is where you climb up in reps, then back down:

Circuit of the exercises below with these reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

A) Jumps (Squat Jump, Box Jump, Hurdle Jumps, Etc)

B) Varied Push Ups (feet elevated, rings, clapping, medicine ball)

C) Mixed Grip Pull Ups (Change Grips Every Set)

If you think Bodyweight Training isn't important, you need to see the video below, world champion Olympic weightlifters from the early 1970's in Poland show why you need to train like a Gymnast AND lift Heavy Barbells.

This is what BEASTS are made of my friends ๐Ÿ™‚

As always, don't be a slave to only 1 method of training. Chase results and be open minded in your approach. Your body will evolve as will the athletes if you're a Coach.

Live The Code 365,


Bodyweight Bodybuilding - The Full Story HERE


9 Responses

  1. Don Cullen says:

    I like that old school Polish training. Even their warmup was ahead of their time. Looks like dynamic warmup to me. Those dudes were super fit

  2. Wow, I gotta get me some wallbars!!

  3. And what a paradigm shift compared to today. Imagine the scene-
    “Chillax coach, there’s plenty of time to workout. Just gonna go get a gatorade and check my facebook on my celphone. Be back in 20…”

  4. Wow, there’s some really cool stuff in that old video. I’m getting into doing more bodyweight stuff recently myself. Awesome post Zach.

  5. Nice! I just put up a pull up bar in my basement using a 2.5inch pipe I picked up at Home Depot.
    I was using the beams in the basement, but this works the grip more!
    Thick bar and weighted dip belt!Love it!

  6. Great stuff once again.
    When you box jump why do you dismount from the side instead of back and up again like a typical box jump?

    Thanks for all the stuff.

  7. Another great video Zach. Those Polish dudes are some freaky and explosive mothers!

  8. Real men doing real workouts, some strong dudes

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