Let me take you on a trip through my "coaching brain". You see, I've been training with weights since 1989. in 1988, I began my obsession with push ups.
In 1995 I began coaching at a hospital fitness center. I've seen and experienced THREE decades of training and movement which is more than some coaches age.
I'm about to share with you a bit of a brain dump after training in a globo gym.
If you're a Coach, pay CLOSE attention.
If you're not a Coach, pay CLOSE attention to the mindset I have on EXCELLENCE, you can apply this to ANY area of your life, career, etc.
Dig in and enjoy......
Zach's VIP Coaching Details HERE
The understanding of the basics is beyond crucial. My words can barely describe and explain this. For example, the kid who I helped with squatting, him and his friends just saw this as a squat is a squat is a squat.
They didn't take into account the ankle issues, the mobility issues, the training age / experience, how to adjust the rep ranges for each other, etc.
A squat is NOT the same for everyone.
Drop your comments / questions below.