Yo bruddahs, here's the latest in an Underground Strength Show Episode - a crazy workout you can try for 5- 10 rounds, or for max rounds in 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
This will kick your ass and give the benefit of packin' on serious muscle and serious strength.
Let me know your thoughts on how this workout went for you. I'm heading out for my Underground Strength Cert Crew - we have 2 bruddahs here from Canada, 1 from Australia and the other wild men are from all around the USA.
Peace Bruddahs!
PS: The October USC Cert is fast approaching. Those who attend fast forward their success BIg time. Check out what happened to the bruddahs below after they rocked The USC Cert....NICE!
Make Your Dreams Happen by Attending The USC Cert this October.
9 Responses
I think the Car push and kettle-bell routine is freakin’ awesome. I had considered doing something like that for a while, but my street is packed with cars parked on the road and I don’t have a wheel man or brake man. Any thoughts?
dude awesome workout! gotta try that 1 some day, zach u the man thx 4 the vid
Awesome!! but if your alone,how do you stop the car ,lol
Dog im loving the workout!
No excuses to workout anywhere, even when you are grocery shopping, how many times havent you catched yourself curling the bags? jaja
Those dudes gym kicks ass…
Keep it up Z
Is it just me, or does this sound like some guys who are afraid to get under some serious weight or what? I found this collection of postings on a site called “Iron Addicts”.
01-21-2007, 02:06 AM
I happened to come across an old tractor tires that is about 4 feet tall and was wondering if it would be a suitable replacement for a sled. I am not real sure how much it weighs maybe 100 pounds.
Sand Blaster
01-21-2007, 09:59 AM
You would have to know how much it weighs. For many 100lbs. on a sled would be too much. It might be more fun and productive to do some tire flips with it instead.
01-21-2007, 12:57 PM
A 100 pound tire is much harder to pull than 100 pounds on a metal sled. I wouldn’t go anywhere near that as a sled if you’re a beginner.
01-21-2007, 03:15 PM
thanks I guess i will quit being lazy and just build one.
01-29-2007, 09:40 PM
Your better off using that 100 lbs. tire for tire flips or sledgehammer work. Use a smaller tire for dragging if you don’t want to make a metal sled.
Coach Z,
Great vid! Another easy to do workout for anywhere. Intense and short! The vid testimonial @ the end- Congrats fellas! Way to take action and get out there and give back to your community- reppin’ the USMC / SpecWar / and hardcore in “THE CORNHUSKER” state.
Thats a simple yet effective ass kickin workout bro nice!
That gym is bad ass I wish I had that grass hill in the back! But I guess its my trade of having such a GIANT space to work with at mine instead haha
Really Crazy workout!!I enjoyed car pushing and kettlebell with my colleages mike and strauss, but got tired and feeling some tips are needeed for these workout.Any way it was awesome experience.
Great blog post. It is useful information.