CrossFit Underground Strength


"The difference between interest and commitment is this.... When you're interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something you accept NO excuses, Just Results."

- Unknown -

I've been a CrossFit affiliate since my gym transitioned into a Warehouse Location, back in the fall of 2007, over 5 years ago.

Before I became a CrossFit affiliate, I would check the CrossFit forum and connected with all the guys converting their gyms and backyards into their own torture chambers. I would ask them questions and share ideas on training, operating a business form my garage and making homemade gym equipment.

These garage gyms were straight up, no-nonsense places where serious and self motivated people trained. The set up was primitive amongst these CrossFitters and the equipment was right up my alley.

Lots of sandbags, heavy dumbbells, free weights, rings, large tractor tires and homemade equipment. Training was given no boundaries... indoor or outdoor workouts, type of equipment, etc didn't matter. It was all about results through kick ass workouts.

I'm considered "old school" amongst CrossFit affiliates. I miss the days of my CrossFit Journal arriving via PDF once a month with photos and stories of garage gyms.

I relate to the smaller style CrossFit Gym. But that's me, I've always been an old school, throwback kinda guy. When I think CrossFit I don't think 10,000 sq ft with primarily barbells, bumpers and rings. I think about NO Rules Workouts, Soul Lifting and overall hard training.

When I saw this video it hit home for me....

Teenager in training through his own motivation, a Dad who loves his son more than life itself, backyard gym, hard freakin' training, homemade equipment and commitment.

To me, this is a big part of The Underground Strength movement....This is what drew me to CrossFit in the first place.

This is such an inspirational video, check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Till the next time,

Live The Code


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14 Responses

  1. This video kicks ass for 2 reasons.
    1) Strength through Johnny’s perseverence. Not just wanting to get fast and strong for the hell of it. Wanting to get strong for life and the obstacles that may come.
    2) You get the sense that CrossFit is something that keeps that father-son relationship in tact and still a loving force. That’s what its all about helping people care about the one beside them.

    1. Pretty powerful bond the Dad and son have together. Love seeing that this young kid is in love with training!

  2. Josh Sonsiadek says:

    The first time I saw the Underground Playground Assault video a few yrs back, I built an obstacle course training facility in my backyard in conjunction with a 3 car garage I converted into an Underground gym.
    I will never forget how pissed my neighbors were, and it wasn’t long after that a few houses went up for sale. Lol

    1. DAMN!!! That stinks that peeps hate on training in backyards!!!

  3. David Mendoza says:

    The video gave me something to look forward to do with my 4 children. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Dave, right on, how old r your kids? They will do as you show them πŸ™‚

  4. Hella inspirational video. I love the motivation and connection shared through these two!

    1. I KNOW! Awesome stuff, psyched U enjoyed!

  5. Yo Z great post n video coming out of southern Cali n choosing the wrong path n not going the right one like Johnny took a lot of precious time from my family n myself wish I could of picked this up when I was younger so thats one of my missions to help youngsters not choose the wrong path n show them a way out like u say training for life awesome Z thanks brother.

    1. Jose, past is over, focus on the NOW, bruddah, keep doin your thing and U will make ALL U love proud! Live the Code!

  6. Dustin W. says:

    Great Video! I have had that bond with my boys since they could walk. Training at home has been great for me as an athlete and father. Nothing like going into the basement or garage to train and having the boys follow. Sometimes they are doing more play than train, but I don’t mind. They see me training and they are learning.
    I love when I get a comment, “If you don’t put your kids into a sport program now they won’t start in high school.” I don’t care if they play sports. There are only few things I require of my boys-Be good to others, get good grades and train. Studying will help them achieve anything they want, but lifting will make them unstoppable.
    Great stuff big Z!

    1. DW I agree w/you

      The benefits of warm weather is a sweet backyard set up!!!

      I am psyched to spend more time w/my kids at my new gym, closer to home, strength is in numbers!

      1. Dustin W. says:

        Nice weather every day would get old! We had rain, heavy snow, thunder storm, rain, and snow all in one day! Thunder storms with heavy rain this morning and 50 today. Tomorrow 6-8 inches of snow and 20!
        Man I love this weather!

        1. ha ha ha

          I LOVE the sun and warm weather!

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