Elliott Hulse & Z: StrongMan Training & Life Talk



Last week I arrived in Orlando, Florida early in the morning in preparation for my USC Cert and speaking at Changing The Game.

If you know me somewhat well, you know I'm not the biggest fan of 2 things:

1) Flying

2) Leaving my family

Lucky for me, I've got a handful of close friends who make me feel at home and give me that feeling of being around my family. Elliott Hulse is one of those guys.

When I got to my hotel Wednesday all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I felt like a track wreck and there was a BIG part of me that just wanted to send Elliott a text and tell him I was gonna skip the 2 hr drive to his gym in favor of taking a nap.

The thing is, I knew I would regret skipping out on seeing Elliott after I woke up. I grabbed some coffee and slapped myself in the face a few times and got in the car.

As soon as I walked into Elliott's new Strength Camp Gym I felt back at home again. I knew I made the right choice. The Coaches at Strength Camp were unwrapping their new equipment which they had literally just picked up. The equipment looks like it was built from Tank parts. It was some seriously solid equipment and I was amped to train.

QOD [Question of the Day]: What was your 1 BIG take away from these 2 videos? Drop your comment below and let's hear how you're going to take action with your new information.

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13 Responses

  1. Z, I can relate to your not wanting to be away from your family.
    My last enlistment was an “unacompanied tour” which kept me away from my family about 2 years.
    I did get home a couple of times, but I decided after that was over that I would not be separated from my family again for any reason. I don’t do any out-of-state trips at all unless we can do it together for a vacation. If they can’t go, I don’t go.
    It’s about priorities!

    1. Frank that is awesome, my man!

      1. Thanks, Z. Until someone has to be away from their family that long, they’ll never know how much damage it can do.
        One other thing that makes my family so important to me is that my wife had cancer several years ago and has been blessed with a full recovery.
        We never take a day of life together for granted.

  2. Don’t cut corners to stay healthy and strong.

    “The greatest gift you can give to the world is to be the strongest version of your self.”

    Love that quote. Glad the trip away from home was worthwhile Z. Thanks!

  3. Juliet Schute says:

    I just love you both!! Your training philosophies line right up with mine and I loved seeing you workout together!

    Can’t WAIT to try those keg lifts! LOL!

    1. Juliet, you’re too kind! You always have awesome things to say and that is amazing and special! Thank YOU!

  4. I’m glad you took the time to listen, watch and learn as this was a lot of info!

  5. MAXIMIZING your time, so true and so hard. I also used to struggle with belief, thanks z and elliot! great quote by the way! great meeting you z thanks for your time.

    1. Freddy it was AWESOME to meet you as well, brotha!!!

      I am psyched to hear about your success from here on!

      Live The Code 365, brotha!

  6. Jason Liddle says:

    My main takeaway from the pair of vids would be believing in yourself & focusing on the now can lead to great things.

    Zach you directly mention it. Yourself and Elliott demonstrate it with your actions. The respective journeys you’ve been on. It really resonates with me as I’m just starting out on my journey in this industry. Hustling for clients, hustling to make something of an income to pour back into ideas, books, equipment. Hustling to learn and grow by looking at an example such as yourself.
    I really appreciate what you do mate, and how you do it. Thanks from the depths of my heart. All the way from Down Under.

    1. Jason – as simple as that take away is, that is one of the BIGGEST keys to your success.

      If you do the work AND believe, you are an unstoppable force!

  7. Wow, powerful words Zach in your video. Believe in yourself and focus. Those words are definately words of wisdom, not just for the young but the in between and old.

    1. Micth very true, we ALL must believe, regardless of age.

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