154 | Matt Wenning & Zach | Building An Iron Will In the Gym AND In Life



STRONG Life Ep 154 with Matt Wenning direct from his gym, Ludus Magnus after we trained upper body together.

In this episode we get into the following:

- Why you must be hungry AND humble to keep learning

- Taking pride in your work ethic to acquire knowledge

- Matt's experiences learning from Professor Zatsiorsky (author of Science and Practice of Strength Training)

- Zach shares his crying AND learning experience with Andrei, circa 1989 in Israel (Perhaps my funniest story)

- How learning from other people AND other experiences is crucial to your IRON WILL - Always getting better!

- The inch by inch, brick by brick work ethic philosophy

- Overcoming struggles in life by applying STRONG Life Lessons from the Gym

- Genetics and Work Ethic. Understanding the long game and the journey of training and life.

- Matt's philosophy on testing yourself everyday, in ANY area of your life (training, education, etc)

- Finding inspiration from others to continually advance in life, regardless of where you live, age, life circumstances, etc

This was a VERY inspiring trip for me at Matt's gym as well as chatting up the parallels between training and life.



Connect with Matt at https://WenningStrength.com


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2 Responses

  1. John Smith says:

    That was way better second time around, Watched and able to digest. Yes, motivation and progression (patient perseverance). That was encouraging and inspiring to hear Matt saying you can still win world records or set PRs without genetic gifting if you are looking 5 years out and progressing step by step.

    I think when life is overwhelming at times, if you just try to maintain or minimize regression, you wait for opportunity and then when ready and able to commit more time, you just then need to increase motivation. Zack is great motivator.

    Sometimes, taking a break and getting back, though depressing to be weaker at first, can also be impetus for PRs from muscle memory and high motivation.

    Good to be a fly on that wall . πŸ™‚

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