STRONG Life Podcast ep. 186 with Mike Guadango.
In this episode we talk a LOT on Speed Training, the Strength Coach Lifestyle & Grit.
This is my 2nd time with Mike on The STRONG Life Podcast and it was awesome. Here are just SOME of the topics we crushed:
- What's new with Mike's business the past year and why has he made these changes?
- Speed Training & Speed Development in high school and pro athletes
- Should athletes Squat? Is it REALLY "worth" it?
- What does heavy lifting do to your body in the long term? Food for thought.....
- Implementing SubMax efforts to teach speed & agility.
- How does Mike incorporate & teach agility / change of direction work for athletes?
- Program design methods for implementing speed & agility work.
- Monitoring Volume in overall training loads to manage the athlete's health & reduce injuries.
- How Mike handles the stress of life both physically & mentally / emotionally.
- Mike gives his biggest lesson learned in Sprint program design withย the exact work / rest ratio protocol and weekly volume of sprints.
LOTS of gems dropped in this episode with Mike.
Stay connected with Mike here:
BIG thanks to ALL who support the STRONG Life Podcast!
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