Ep. 213 | Do You Skip Leg Day in the Gym AND in Life?


STRONG Life Podcast ep. 213, here we GO!

Skipping leg day in the gym is 1 thing, skipping leg day in LIFE is another thing!

There are NO shortcuts to achieving REAL Success. We ALL know this, but, how many people LIVE this.

I had an athlete recently ask me, Do we have to train legs?

I almost had to look around for the hidden camera, I thought it was a joke. But, it was NOT a joke.

You see, people of ALL ages are weak minded. They seek comfort. They want easy. They think we OWE them everything and that they don't have to EARN anything.

Well, this is why I always LOVED leg day. I always did Legs on Mondays. It was a way for me to start the weak by doing the TOUGHEST things first.

It gave me a mental edge that others did not have. They didn't want it.

I WANTED it and most importantly, I was willing to DO THE WORK!

Enjoy this episode!

The Underground Strength Coach Cert

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