286: Scott Mendelson | Best Nutrition Tips for Men in their 40s


STRONG Life Podcast ep 286 with Scott Mendelson of Infinity Fitness

This was a powerful conversation where Scott breaks down nutrition for men in their 40s.

Here are some of the topics we discuss:

- Common mistakes men make in their nutrition as they go from their 20s to their 30s and 40s

- How and when to use intermittent fasting

- What foods to avoid that cause high cholesterol

- What changes happen to the digestive system as you get older and how can you address these changes

If you want to get healthier, have more energy, get rid of excess body fat and learn more then you will love this conversation with Scott.




Videos from Scott & Dr. Eric Serrano

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Until the next time....

Live The Code 365,


2 Responses

  1. Man this speaks to me. I’m not quite 40 yet, but I’m getting ready! haha
    Great podcast man, big fan!

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