STRONG Life Podcast ep 327: LEAD from the Front & Destroy Mediocrity | Lessons for Strength Coaches & Anyone Who Wants to Dominate in LIFE


STRONG Life Podcast ep 327 is intense! 

Prepare to rip the steering wheel off the dashboard if you listen while you're driving. 

Do NOT listen to this episode at night, you will get waaaaay too fired up! 



Before we kick things off, I want to announce a seminar I am co hosting on Saturday, October 15th. 

All details on this Seminar are HERE. 

I am contemplating adding a SSPC Cert on Sunday at The Underground Strength Gym. It's tricky because for this to work, I would require the coaches to attend The Game Speed Seminar so on Sunday we can do the Strength & Conditioning, program design, assessing you / testing you as a Coach and overall getting in that work! 

This would also require Coaches to be at one hotel for The Game Speed seminar, then another hotel for The SSPC Cert as the cert would be in Manasquan, not at the school where Game Speed will take place.

If that interests you, send me an email. Reply to my newsletter anytime. 


We are living in strange times and maybe it's always been this way and I simply didn't see it. Perhaps I am more aware of this strange world where we have mediocrity accepted, excellence is frowned upon, people who do not or barely do their job continue to keep their job and even grow within an organization......

We have egomaniacs who you can not work with because this is how we've always done it, we have people who want to get paid when they are interns and you are pouring your education, heart & soul into them.....

OK, am I ranting? Of course! I get pissed off being around people who slack, who bring mediocrity to the table and see nothing wrong with being average.



I want nothing to do with mediocrity.

And because of this attitude I have and my disdain towards laziness and mediocrity, people call me crazy. People dislike me because of this. And even worse, they view my high standards as being mean. 

High standards is not someone being mean. I will discuss further in this episode.

Dig into the latest STRONG Life Podcast as I discuss the following topics:

- Why, If you're a Strength Coach, you should first & foremost be fully immersed in ........ STRENGTH! Yes, that's right, you must DO THE DAMN THING.

- Lessons learned from Dick Marcinko, the founder of DEVGRU, aka SEAL Team Six.

- Why you must immerse yourself in training / strength & conditioning before you consider being a Strength Coach. 

- The finer details of the Squat that you will never know unless you have squatted hard and heavy, trained with awesome training partners and more

- How does one become / obtain a certain job, when you do NOT do the very thing you want to teach? 

- Why I believe you need to get obsessed with learning if you want to be a GREAT Strength Coach.

- Why do over 1,000 Coaches use the methods learned from The Underground Strength Coach Cert yet they do NOT share or give credit to The USC Cert and where they learned this information? 

- Why did I create a New certification? The SSPC Cert (Strength & Sports Performance Coach Cert)

- Would The Underground Strength Gym be more successful if I changed the name!? This question is an interesting one to think about!

- Why do some Coaches steal from others and give no credit / fear to give credit?

- Updates to my YouTube and why I feel education is crucial rather than just chasing views and posting clickbait BS videos 

- How and why you should follow a program, both in training and nutrition, and.... STICK TO IT. See the Video below on FOLLOWING THROUGH.

- Training methods from Bodybuilders in the 50s, 60s (The Silver Era of Bodybuilding) and the 70s, aka The Golden Era


This is a throat punch of a episode for The STRONG Life Podcast. 

Please enjoy, share and Leave a Review! Thank YOU!

Listen on Apple Podcasts HERE

Listen on Spotify HERE


The SSPC Cert 

The Underground Strength Coach Cert

FREAK Strength FREE Training Course 

The Gladiator Project

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