355 | Mark Philippi: Powerlifting in the Early 90s, College Strength & Conditioning Lessons, Strongman Training & Azerbaijan Wrestlers


STRONG Life Podcast ep 355 brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com 

I had a Great time chatting and learning from Mark Philippi, former World's Strongest Man Competitor, D1 Strength Coach and gym / business owner. 

Mark is extremely experienced in both competing AND coaching so this was loaded with powerful information.

Dig in and enjoy the show!

Topics covered:

- Powerlifting in the Early 90s and learning from / training with Ed Coan and Dan Austin

- College Strength & Conditioning Lessons in the Early 90s

- Mark's introduction to Strongman Training & Competition

- How Mark began working with Azerbaijan Olympic Wrestlers

Connect with Mark:



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Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

http://SSPCoach.com - SSPC Cert opening this Week! Get on the early bird notification list at http://ZachStrength.com 

https://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com - Underground Strength Academy 

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