469 | STRONG Life Pod ep 469 | Strength Coach Business Tips vs RAMBO First Blood Style Business


STRONG Life Podcast ep 469 

Strength Coach Business Tips vs RAMBO First Blood Style Business - which business style wins? I explain in this episode of The STRONG Life!

In this episode I discuss how I have made the mistake of consistently running my gym business (The Underground Strength Gym) like a solopreneur, like RAMBO in First Blood, and why this was a big mistake in the end.

Brought to you by the up and coming Underground Strength Con brought to you by JOCKO FUEL. 

Topics covered in this episode: Lessons learned and mistakes made through my 20+ years as Gym Owner and why trying to operate my business like RAMBO First Blood never worked. 

If you want to change your business you must CHANGE your actions and get away from your same ol' day to day environment. 

Register for The Underground Strength Conference so you can STOP struggling and start building the business and lifestyle you want and deserve. 

Details are at UndergroundStrengthCon.com 


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