STRONG Life Ep. 51: Viking Manhood Lessons & My Thoughts



In a previous blog post someone mentioned that I MUST read the article by Chad Howse on 'Viking Manhood Lessons'.

When I followed the link and read through the article I was fired up. I loved it. It inspired me to lift heavy shit and crush my workout that day. I was inspired to eat more meat and veggies. I was inspired!

That's what I do. I find inspiration through many things. I find the good in things, the lessons and ways to improve from what comes across my eyes.

Then.... I came across the comments, and of course, a bunch of cry babies were disappointed that Chad hyped up the Vikings because these men would destroy villages and there should be NO reason for us to be inspired or learn from them.

The complaining and crying was pathetic as I don't recall Chad telling anyone to go out and burn down houses and such. He was inspiring and portraying what men do when they kick ass and take names. Good for him. More men need to live like this rather than sitting behind a computer complaining.

Hell, more teenagers need to live like this. I see the younger generation every day. Many are scared of the world, scared of life, lack confidence and are timid in general. I hope a high school teacher can share this article (without getting fired) with some high school boys who need to hear this.

When a story and lessons are shared through a blog, especially with a focus on living a strong life, eating strong foods and simply being a hard charger with your life goals, then JUST BE INSPIRED. Don't cry about it.

In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I read a portion of this article as well as my feedback on how we can better ourselves from these Viking Manhood Lessons.

Listen below and enjoy!




Mark Divine / Russian Lion Power Course

Chad Howse on Viking Manhood Lessons

Ultimate Warrior On Life (Video)

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9 Responses

  1. Dallan Lax says:

    Great podcast Zach! Keep living the Code, stay Underground, and keep inspiring!


    1. Thanks, HOSS!!! Appreciate the support!

  2. Great read! Looking forward to listening to this episode! I need some bad-ass viking vibes myself right now! Gonna have to share this read with my wrestlers…state sectional finals tomorrow night…

  3. every man / young teen should read this article and listen…. we need men to man UP.

  4. Zach, part of my family came from Norway and Sweden. They say our lineage goes back to the Vikings.
    That was on my mother’s side of the family.
    All warrior cultures brought forth fierce men, whether Vikings, Spartans, Indians, or others.
    Men are meant to be warriors even in our present culture.

  5. Loved this show Zach… It was a great way to start off a Friday !!!
    Have a Strong weekend, Z!!!!

    Every one of these gets me more and more fired up to come down there in March
    Can’t freakin’ wait !!!

  6. michael Cornacchione says:

    What ever happen to the Strangth creed?

  7. Hi Zach,

    Great article as always. As someone born and raised in Denmark I was raised with the legends and stories of the Vikings. Our viking heritage is one of the main reasons that we are still so active as a people always doing sports or being outside.
    There are unfortunately many negative stories about Vikings as savages and violent people. Some are true and some are not. What most people dont focus on is that we were great a building ships and tools. We were great tradesmen and world travlers. Even our culture of viking tattoos was rich.

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