
In episode 88 of The STRONG Life Podcast, Joe DeSena & I discuss some AWESOME topics centering around:

- Life & Business Lessons learned running Spartan Race Business as it keeps growing and evolving

- The standard of Excellence & why we need to stop apologizing for having high expectations of others and ourselves

- Having a Purpose In Life & how this will Drive you out of your darkest, toughest times!

- How often does Joe DeSena exercise and HOW does he workout, even when he's super busy like having endless meetings during a book launch?

- Why overthinking your fitness, your life, your work, your business, etc is Holding you & I back from achieving BIG success!

- Joe and I discuss how inspiring & awesome The ORIGINAL Pioneer of Fitness & Success was, Jack LaLanne & his awesome wife Elaine. We discuss how Jack did many of his Toughest challenges in his 40s, 50s and 60s!


- The Kayak "Mishap" Incident That kicked my butt & how I turned a negative into an AWESOME experience using Spartan UP Lessons!

- How Joe ran his recent Spartan Race in Scotland while Also Carrying Weights (Farmer Walks) for 5 hours!

- We Answer some QnA as well from my Instagram on Success, Motivation, Business & Being SPARTAN!


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Get Spartan Fit The Book HERE - This Book Will Punch Your Excuses In The Face!


How to Win Spartan Fit on Audible .....

I'm going with the "Pay It Forward" Model.

Drop a Comment Below & Let us know How you're going to help others with the information from Spartan Fit.

You do NOT need to be a Coach! This competition is for Anyone who Wants to be Better in LIFE!

I am excited to see your comments below!

I will choose the Winner on Friday, August 5th!

Live The Code 365,



27 Responses

  1. Helena W. says:

    Spartan Fit is about the total package of physical, mental, and spiritual. I’m sure that when I read or listen to it, I’ll learn so much about the philosophy of making movement part of everyday life. That’s a tip that I can pass on to everyone: family, friends, co-workers. It’s about getting comfortable being uncomfortable, and resetting your frame of reference through hard-ass physical work so that the rest of your problems don’t seem as daunting anymore.

    Being fit for life is something that few books address these days, but the Spartan Fit way of life focuses exactly on that. I’m sure I will become better by learning its lessons, and really, that’s the springboard for making a change in other people’s lives – by setting an example, by being a mentor, by developing the fortitude and resilience to be knocked down by any of our petty first-world problems.

    I’m excited for this book!

  2. Lee Montgomery says:

    Have Spartan Up! So, really looking forward to this book. Hoping it will have some ideas for helping some of my family overcome the constant excuses they come up with to avoid changing their life–they want to, they want to exercise, they want to eat better—or at least, they say they do, but always come up with excuses why they “can’t”. The subtitle of punching excuses in the face is exactly what they need!

  3. I loved this podcast – just ordered the audio book

  4. Zach, I am studying and researching daiky to find better ways to patch any holes in our program design.
    I would use this book to help our athletes develop lots more mental toughness and overall fitness.

  5. Jay Jairdullo says:

    Hey Z…I turn 42 next week. Let’s do some of those Jack LaLanne challenges.

    Great podcast…my Spartan Fit book will be here Friday!

  6. Zach, I don’t need any free stuff.
    I am buying Spartan Fit anyhow.
    Just wanted to say thanks for all you do!

  7. Cody Trawick says:

    Hey Zach. Cody here. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to reach out and post on your blog. I’ve been following you since fall of 14′ when I picked up “Encyclopedia of Underground Strength.” It changed the way I view fitness and helped me slough off the mainstream bull I had been eating up via conventional muscle mags.

    On this topic, I’m in the hunt for the Audible copy of “Spartan Fit” because I follow both you and Joe closely, and I’m convinced you guys are onto something. My wife and I are new parents, and we’re concerned with the breakneck pace of technology and consumerism that first-world cultures have accepted without question in the half-decade. Our daughter is fifteen months old, and nothing concerns me more than watching her turn into a weak person who blames others. It’s how diabetes happens, and an almost certain detriment to achieving anything worthwhile. I find Joe’s Spartan mentality a strong counterpoint to this tendency, and I hope I can get my wife on board in terms of instilling these values in our family.

    From a societal standpoint, I’m in the military, and have previously been a fitness program manager outside of my normal occupation as an aircraft mechanic. You wouldn’t believe the lack of vitality found in some of our active duty service members; it’s scary, in fact. I’ve made it a personal mission of mine to improve at least the small group of people directly around me. I think that between your workout programs, and you and Joe’s “Spartan the F*** Up” mentality, I’ve found a vessel toward that end. More than anything, I’d like to thank you personally, as I’m a recovering alcoholic. I discovered your book as I was nearing the end of inpatient therapy in 2014, and I haven’t looked back. These days, a stout trap bar deadlift followed by a ruck in the hills with my Rottweiler, Sammy, is plenty much of a high for me.

    So that’s it for me. If I can’t get it for free, I’ll certainly seek out “Spartan Fit” on the market. Y’all mean a lot to a lot of people. Keep it up, guys, and thanks.

    1. Cody, best of luck with your wife and daughter. Good luck and God bless with what you’re doing in the service. Thank you and stay safe!

  8. Ozzie Orosco says:

    Hey Coach! I’d like the opportunity to win this book so that I can help my clients keep a strong,positive outlook and help them understand that no matter the obstacle that confronts them, they have the ability to overcome it not only physically but more importantly mentaly. I as a coach have had the opportunity to be mentored by you Zach (USC Cert.) and ideas I pick upfrom Joe through social media and use it in our training daily. I believe that using the lessons we would learn throught the book, it would give my students an even greater standard to set for themselves. Thank you for the opportunity.

  9. Eric Pritchard says:

    Zach, Big UP to you and Joe for another Spartan opportunity! I’d like to apply Spartan Fit principles with my students….I’m not talking my athletes, they already get some Spartan ad Underground flavor from me! My AVID group (college-prep elective) already listens to Spartan UP on the regular, and Spartan Fit would allow us to apply some physical as well as mental principles. We could set up a 30-day experiment to see what kind of change we could make in their daily lives and school performance. To some extent, I try to bring these principles to all the classes I teach: just trying to fight the good fight until the Spartan Underground School opens it doors and you guys bring me in there! Keep up the great work!

  10. Celsius Magbitang says:

    As a teacher and coach, I will use Spartan life 2 build strength, mentally, physically and emotionally, with all my students and athletes. I’m excited to learn more in order to enrich them. I hope they take these lessons throughout their whole life.

    Thank you for an amazing podcast and really cool Instagram. #relentlesspursuitofexcellence

  11. Tyan Brissey says:

    Tis past January I turned 49. I had ACL surgery on my left knee and a collapsed posterior tibial tendon on my left foot. I was middle aged and crippled. I found Zach and the Underground Strength Gym and signed myself up for the BWBB and my son for the Wrestling series WOTW. These programs have changed my life and outlook on what I could achieve at my age. I am getting Agile, Mobile, and Hostile. I am almost finished with Phase 3 of the BWBB course
    I tell you this because I have always had a Sprtan heart. I always wanted to be Spartan Fit. My goal is to run a Spartan race after basically being crippled 6 months ago. Spartan Fit is a mind set, a way of life. Spartan Fit to me is Strong Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. I Thank You both for changing my life. Ryan.

    1. Such a wonderful story! I’ve wanted to pick up BWBB for quite a while now, for some reason I always put it off. Your comment gave me the final kick I needed. Thanks! (Note to Zach: this comment is obviously not intended to win anything, I – too – will pay for Spartan Fit myself. 🙂 It’s totally worth it. Thanks for another awesome podcast!)

  12. Rob Hayes says:

    Hey Zach, Just a quick shout out to say hello and say I really admire what you stand for and the passion and hard work you bring daily! As its been said “Birds of a feather Flock together” we seem to have many of the same core philosophies. I know my son loved working with you several years ago and although his path has taken him out of the geographical area he thinks of you ofetn and I credit his year with you with helping drive his motivation,work ethic and path into the US Naval Academy! As a parent I feel its very important to surrond your children with the right people and you were ceratinly all a parent can ask for. and THEN some! Keep up the GREAT work! I hope to see you soon bro! AROO!

    1. Rob I tell Joe all the time how you and Tyler ran races together and how he was always top 3 in the teen division!

      I miss you guys, TYler is awesome and that doesn’t happen by accident, GREAT parents play a BIG role!

  13. Big fan of you and joe! Just half way with your online cert, bought your book a while ago, the bodybuilding program and also ordered joes book. Its on its way. I invest in myself. To be the best, learn from the best. Always wear my white belt and learn and apply your knowledge bombs and nuggets! Keep it up, you both…train for life to be awsome and leave our legacy??

  14. I put the book on my birthday wishlist as soon as I finished listening to the podcast yesterday. I became a certified personal trainer two months ago and I’m putting my programs together and I’m working on renting out space at a gym to bring in clients and I will be using all the lessons I’ve learned from Zach from his book and podcasts. I also am going to re-read Spartan The Fuck Up and use lessons from there to help inspire my clients to make changes in their lives.

    Thanks Zach for another awesome episode!

  15. HI Guys!

    Thank You ALL for the Awesome comments!

    Please e mail me and I’ll get you taken care of with your FREE Audible Edition of SPARTAN FIT!

    The 5 Winners Are….

    1) Cody Trawick

    2) Helena Wu

    3) Eric Pritchard

    4) Celsius Magbitang

    5) Tyan Brissey

    Thank you!

    1. Cody Trawick says:

      Congrats, all Y’all!

      Z – I shot you a message on your ‘Ask a Question’ section here because I wasn’t sure about your email. Hope it gets through. Thanks again for the opportunity, brother. Livin’ the Code out here in Germany.

    2. Thanks Zach and Joe, and great responses by everyone!

    1. Cody Trawick says:

      Thanks, Frank. Appreciate it.

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