You saw how pumped I was to train... Driving 100 MPH (I know, I know, NOT smart) - but hey, I am uncontrollable when it comes to my love for the iron! Check out this workout...head to head with a D 1 wrestler... Questions about the workout, comments....right on! Feel free to post below! Kill it! --Coach Z-- PS - I was hanging ten today baby!

Cal Dietz & Dr. Mike T Nelson 🎙️ TRIPHASIC TRAINING | Fat Loss & Training as we “Get Older”, Rehab of Injuries, BEST Speed & Strength Strategies for Athletes
STRONG Life Podcast ep 489 Cal Dietz & Dr. Mike T Nelson 🎙️ TRIPHASIC TRAINING Just SOME of the Topics we Cover: Fat
12 Responses
looking good. i wrestled for USNA myself 99-03. wish we had this kind of stuff back in my day
Nice man you killed him I love it!
ski is like my brother he takes care of every one,a true national treasure open your wallet and send him a dime or some old equipment u dont need any more he,ll find it a home
ray usg/southside iorn
Great intensity in that gym!
You guys gave that kid a BEATIN! His intensity level whenever he trains is going to be so much higher from the lessons he learned and the pump Im SURE he got by the time that was over. Good work!
P.S. Where can I score some of that thick manila rope without bustin my wallet. I gotta tree out front thats beggin to be a part of my training
Wow nice intensity, wish i had a gym like that. Those tires look sweet.
Hello there,I have watched your videos and really enjoyed it.I have learnt something from the sets that have been on the videos.
Big up Zech-Even-Kesh Iam looking forward to watch more of this stuff.I hope by 2010,my muscles will grow to some of this big men on the web.Thanks
Dude I had to start doing some pushup while watching this!
If that kid keeps training like that, there ain’t no one stopping him!
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW SSHH***** can I say that here??? beautiful work man and the intensity was perfect! up high and never came down
That gym looks awesome. I really like the videos you posted of various old school gyms you’ve visited and Defrancos. Looking forward to more.
Shoot, I forgot all about the barbell complexes. You rock Zack!
Zach! Nic video. You make me want to leave Canada and move to the Dirtee Jerzee! Skiba is right on!