Episode # 86: Underground Strength Gym Start Up


Stuck in a dead end job?

That's YOUR choice.

I hear of people WAITING for work to pick up.


Go out and make business happen.

In this video you'll see two certified Underground Strength Coaches talking about living their dreams, NOT dreaming their life.

Joe DeFranco chats about how and where he started briefly, but more of that is HERE.

Yes, it takes "balls", if you will, to take the jump.

4 years and 2 months ago I payed Joe DeFranco for an in person consultation. It took 6 months to set up. 6 MONTHS! I understood the power of investing in my business knowledge to learn from someone who was doing what I wanted to do.

Check the video below and feel free to post comments and / or questions for me.

Isn't it time you started killin' it?

--Coach Z--

PS: The Underground Strength Coach Certification teaches you my exact training and business system, A - Z. No need to go in debt, get loans, investing partners or any of that shit. I'll teach you how to become profitable in your business asap. Only 12 are accepted into each course, act fast or stay miserable dreaming your life.

It's time to take life by the balls, there is no other way...

==> https://zacheven-esh.com/coaching.php 

2 Responses

  1. Nice man love it wish I could have been there. Next time! Whats up with this vimeo goin on?

    -Matt Holmes

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