Get Comfortable Being UNcomfortable


I've spoken about this before and I'll say it again.

Get Comfortable being UNcomfortable.

This video comes straight after cranking hill sprints after breakfast with my family. Check it out....

[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]

QOD (Question of the Day): Let me know your thoughts by dropping a comment below. Let me know ONE thing you're doing to get Comfortable Being UNcomfortable.

Looking forward to your comments and feel free to share this with your friends.

Live the Code


18 Responses

  1. i´m starting to put into practice the anabolic diet which consists of eating 20 grams of carbs per day throw the week (while training hard) and carbing up the week ends (while resting) this is exrtremely hard to do, especially the first weeks, but after a few days its a break through in terms of raw strength, i strongly reccomend it to all of you wrestlers training with Zach. I am from Argentina, training BJJ and MMA and Crossfit. I totally love zach training method and i read everything he posts on the net…!! keep it up!!!

    1. @Blas: Blas thnx 4 such awesome comment, brutha! I have a friend who used the Anabolic Diet, I interviewed him about it at and he got freaking HUGE on that diet!! HUGE!

      He’s a pro strongman now!

  2. @Uncle Mike: DAMN!!! I was thinking of riding, but I HAD 2 run!!! Felt awesome, did 15 hill sprints, maybe a few more, my counting was all f**ed up and I NEVER gave myself benefit of the doubt by saying “I did 10 hills….”

    I said to myself I did 9….

    Felt awesome.

    I’ll be in SERIOUS work mode, homie, taking a nice family vaca for the holidays 🙂

    will miss U while away, Uncle Mike!

  3. Z, without discipline, nothing happens.
    Talk is cheap, that’s why there is so much of it around.
    Action is costly and is rare by comparison.
    However, inaction is fatal.
    Woulda, coulda, shoulda are the vocabulary of the uncommitted.
    Tell ’em, brudda!

  4. Zach, I love ya to death. I am going to share the fuck out of this one. It’s part of my creed and gospel too.

    Now I can point at you and say “SEE? THIS IS WHAT I KEEP SAYING”

    Do the work, or do the regret.


    1. @Jackie:

      1) YOU are awesome

      2) Your profile cartoon is awesome

      3) YOU are AWESOME 🙂

      Thank YOU 🙂

    1. @charles: Charles, homie! Post this udner the OTHER blog post, below this one, so we see it in the comments section!

  5. i hope this is not to late

  6. This came at the perfect time-God hit me with a punch to the kidneys (infection/stone) last Tuesday-worse than any experience in any fight-strength, stamina,as well as the ability to stand-Thank God for bearcrawls. Anyhow, it may have taken my strength for a while, my passion for being a coach, even on my back dosen’t leave. This time has given me more ideas for moving my business forward and the people I want to coach- I let a lot things slide this past year I shouldn’t have at the risk of losing “friends”. Often, when women are assertive, they’re labled a “b@#ch”. I’m fine with that. If being a thorn in your side gets you to stop making excuses, than that’s what I’ll continue to be.

  7. I just moved to Brisbane Australia from chilly, wet old Ireland.
    Used to have (manage) a gym and trained pretty dam hard Zach Underground style albeit in an air conditioned gym.
    Now I’ve an open air garage gym and a sunny garden to thrash about in.
    Has been hitting 30-34’c most days and I’ve not backed down once in my training, from body weight training, hard kettlebell training and odd object training with sweat blinding me stupid. I used to live to love training in sub 0 temps but now it’s the extreme heat.
    It’s motivating to keep up with the underground credo, not pussying out, getting well uncomfortable and beating myself up to keep ahead of the rest.
    Loving it, living the dream and looking forward to the launch of my own underground garage gym in January.

    Peace people and lead from the front

  8. Dustin M. says:

    Ohh hell,

    I cannot believe I misssed the Underground Inspiration contest—but it was damn inspiring watching many of them.

    How do I test myself now-a-days? How do I get comfortable by being uncomfortable? It’s really simple–by attacking the iron day by day no matter what happens. I currently work in a steel-mill….no heat or AC. As of right now, it’s fricking cold!!! I see people dropping out like flies, quitting all over the place. Most days, we (deadlift, curl, carry, drag) a shitload of steel. Just for shits n giggles—I calculated it to the best I can–On any given day we could be raking up a total volume of 500,000lbs (somedays are twice as much, some are less)throughout the 8-12 hr shifts. The real challenge is sticking with it—I go to college for 7 hours, work for 8-12 hours, after work–I will push the evenlope even further and get my workouts in even if I had 3 hours of sleep which is the norm. I have a family to support, period. Day by day…I always tell myself…”To be the best…you gotta outdo all the rest..”

  9. Awesome video. That just what I needed to hear. I actually went out this morning and did 10 50 yard sprints but I only planned on doing 8. I still felt good afterwards so I ran a mile after the sprints and then I was fried. Thanks for the video Bro.

  10. Z,
    You are the man bro! The second we stop being uncomfortable and become comfortable is the moment everything becomes stagnant. Stagnant in our training and in our life. When things become stagnant, they start to die. You training goals will weaken and die off and so will the dreams and happiness of your life. I read something the other day that said ”If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone…deal with it!!” There is some dose of truth!

  11. On 11/11/11, my mother lost her fight to cancer as I held her hand in what was our home. The loss was so sudden and afflicting that it has left a stain of negativity in my mind. Being worried by mounting hospital bills, living arragements, family indifference, feeding yourself, finding work, self image, abandoment from friends ontop of countless other worries and woes pulls you underneath the water. You feel yourself choking and gasping for air when only dark and dirty liquid fill your lungs. You feel literally drained by grief and saddness. Bursts of inadequacy and failure came to the surface when I was one month out from my first powerlifting competition and the end of a difficult semester as an exercise science major. I REFUSED to let myself drown. I REFUSED to let myself become a victim. I decided to myself then and there that I would continue to keep putting 110% in my training and studies as I did before my mother got sick. I saw negativity and spat in it’s face. I won my first powerlifting competition in the 220 junior raw class with a state record in the deadlift. I made good marks in my classes as well. As someone who refuses to make excuses, I understand very much that I must learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because all I really need is my coach, my friends, my training and wise words spoken from a wise man. Thank you for reading

  12. One thing? Training in non heated gym (and we got snow here) instead of moving downstairs where it’s heated. Kinda getting used to it.

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