Hard Work Is BEAUTIFUL!!!


THE Photo of Tom Platz that Was Hung In Front of the Squat Rack at Diamond Gym!
THE Photo of Tom Platz that Was Hanging In Front of the Squat Rack at Diamond Gym Which Always Inspired Me To Squat Heavy & Hard.

Hard Work is BEAUTIFUL.

That is the first step towards success in any endeavor, Loving work rather than fearing work.

You'll find resistance all around you as you work your ass off to achieve greatness in any endeavor, be it in the gym or in life. People will call you "crazy" and say "that's not normal".

You're damn right it's not normal. Normal people achieve normal or average levels of success. I have ZERO interest in being average or normal.

Recently, I was reminded like a punch in the face that I am unemployable. As much as I loved being a teacher in the schools, there is always someone out there trying to make you the "bad guy" for pushing them to work hard.

Heck, I guess that's another sign of the human food chain.

As I Always Say, Hard Work is a GIFT.....

NOT a Punishment.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNvYVRf4hV4[/youtube]

Your environment is Key.

If you find that your environment is holding you back then you must create and start something of your own so you can connect with like minded people. Start a lifting club in your garage, basement, shed or backyard.

Meet up with a few friends 1 x week and discuss your big goals for life and training. Dial in the plan of attack and share success stories and strategies. This is the Mastermind Concept that has been used by powerful men and women for centuries and more.

"Hard Work Is The Best Feeling I've Had In My Entire Life...."

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USd7tP2jQwQ[/youtube]

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2 Responses

  1. Its great that you have talked about the mastermind concept that would help us to achieve success when used consistently. Hard work in the right direction definately pays off and can be a gift.

    1. Yes, you can read about it from men like Napolean Hill who were doing this many decades ago as well…..

      The most successful people Mastermind in some way, shape or form!

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