So, the holidays are here and you might be thinking THIS is the time and excuse to be a fat bastard. Hells to the NO, Kids!
Here is your time crunched, holiday workout. You can hit several of these all week through this hectic time of year.
Crank this simple formula that I LOVE to use:
Beginner / Intermediates can crank a 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 rep scheme
Advanced Lifters go Prison Style: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.....1
The set up for exercises and program design are simple.
I prefer to do a full body lift coupled with a pull such as the video shown below.
Or.... Upper Body Lift + Lower Body Lift.
One workout your upper body lift can be a pushing movement such as a military press or bench press, next time make it a pulling movement such as a hand over hand sled pull, rope climbs or pull ups.
Another favorite which I'll be doing through the week is a Bodyweight Bodybuilding Couplet for 10 minutes x max rounds:
A) HandStand Push Ups x submax reps
B) Squat Jumps alternate with Lunge Jumps x 10 reos
These density type workouts were inspired to me via Coach Reeve, who used to perform these brutal couplets for time with a goal set for total sets when he was a college wrestler. Today, he uses them to train Gridiron Gladiators at The D1 Level!
Check out this Holiday Density Workout, using keg clean & press + Mixed grip pull ups.....
[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]
Underground Strength Challenge: Hit one of these holiday style Density workouts and post a comment with your workout and how it went. Let's see who has the most kick ass holiday workout!!
I am psyched to see what you got!
Happy Holidays!
Live The Code
PS: Underground Strength Nation TRIPLES in price after the new year. The new audio being added is one of the most kick ass ever.
PPS: USC Cert is around the corner and we have 4 more spots left. Check it HERE
6 Responses
Sweet workout, I dont have a keg maybe I’ll try this with a sandbag instead. Me and a few of my friends hit this wod today in the spirit of the holidays. My legs are toast right now lol.
โ1 Deadlift (405#)
2 Squat Snatch (135#)
3 Chest to Bar Pull ups
4 Wall Balls
5 Muscle Ups (Obviously had to use rings)
6 Box Jumps (30″)
7 Burpees
8 KB Swings (70#)
9 Handstand Pushups
10 Toes to Bar
11 Squat Clean and Press (135#)
12 Stone to Shoulder (145#)
*This is completed like the “12 days of Christmas” song, so you do 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, and so on until you do the final round of 12-11- … 3-2-1.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Tire flips, and sled drags. Getting after it in Norway! God Jul!
Alternating hill sprints in the snow with a push up ladder countdown followed by some car pushing.
cranked out a few of those back to back to back, 10,8,6,4,2, beast intensity
1A- barbell clean and press
1B- parrallel grip chins
2A- 1 arm flat db press
2B- 1 arm bent db row
3A- upright row
3B- push ups
3C- heavy band pull aparts
4A- barbell floor press
4B- diamond push ups
grip and ab work to finish! beast mode. all in a santa hat
destroyed this workout today:
1.) bulgarian bag around the worlds
2.)over head keg toss
3.) Heavy battling ropes up and downs (making waves)
4.)heavy battling ropes making cirlcles
5.) BB clean, squat, and press complex
6.)mixed grip pullups
10 reps each exercise/5 rounds/0 rest periods
busted balls doing week 3/ day 1 workout from BWBB.
5 Rounds AFAP
Squat Jumps x 10
Clapping pushups x 5 + reg push ups x 5
Lunge Jumps x 5 ea leg
Pull ups x sm reps
Hanging leg raise x 5
completed in 15 minutes and about died. I wanted to stop several times and make excuses but I didnt let Mr. Resistance get me, instead i kicked his ass!!!!