How hard is too hard when it comes to packing on size and strength?
What is enough, what is too much and what is optimal?
After decades of experience since 1989, I've seen some guys lean more towards one way over another. Other times, I've seen lifters change their intensity levels.
I go completely by feel. More often than not, my intensity is high and aggressive. Why? It matches my personality. When I deny who I am and what I am, I do NOT feel good about what I'm doing.
I LOVE hard work. I chase it, where as most people look for short cuts around hard work or avoid it altogether.
Watch this Video where I explain how punishing your muscles is what you need to experience at least some of the time.
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
I am currently pushing to achieve a #SQUATEveryDay challenge that began mid November. So far I've been getting in 5 - 6 x week of squats. Some "life stuff" here and again gets in the way but I am getting it done AND getting stronger.
Here is a recent Video of my box squat at 385.
Nothing to write home to Mom about but the regularity of placing the heavy bar on my back is getting my entire body stronger. 405 is around the corner.
If you're ONLY looking at science or ONLY looking at hard work you will eventually hit a wall. Science and Hell must be blended together.
QOD: What exercise is giving you the most trouble lately and how can I help? Comments / Questions below. Thank YOU!
Live The Code 365
7 Responses
Hey Zach,
Love your site and really enjoy the content you provide. The exercise(s) that I’m having trouble with are barbell cleans and front squats. Both exercises share the same sticking point: wrist mobility. It’s like my wrists are frozen in place and hyper extending them to receive the bar is nearly impossible and quite painful for me. I work around this by folding my arms like I Dream of Genie (ha!) for front squats and have a bit more luck cleaning with dumbbells. I would really like to get under that bar though. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work! You’re making a difference!
Stu not sure anyone is tighter than I am, ha ha, and I did it by daily practice of cleans and front squats
Little by little and every day I got better
I studied diane fu and burgener, muscle driver vids and learned from Travis Mash
I immersed myself in the o lifts and I by passed many obstacles, u must do the same
Z, yesterday I woke up thinking about hitting a new PR on my deadlift; I was feeling very sure I would, but when I got part way through, even lighter lifts felt heavier than normal.
I knew today was going to be a breakthrough, and being a praying man, I did just that and came back to attack that barbell.
I hit a PR, but knew I could do better and nailed a 2nd PR putting me at my first ever double bodyweight deadlift. At age 64, that was a real good feeling. I couldn’t let my body tell me it was too heavy!
Frank – training must match your personality, YOU must buy into your own methods
Thanks, Z! As I have been rebranding my gym over the last hear or so, I have been developing my own training style more and more. The Cave Strong strategy definitely reflects my own personality.
Awesome Zach!!!Just as soon as I heal up in my back and head, I’m on it dude!!!!
Tommie check my vids on low back fixer uppers