How to Be Strong, Inside AND Out


The question was asked: "What does it mean to be a "Strong Man"?

I took a shot at the question, just like training, we are ALL flawed, there is NO perfect, but ya gotta try to do do your best, plain and simple.

If you've got tips to add, drop a comment.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts!



4 Responses

  1. Zach great video! Being the one that stays home with my boys while they grow old enough to go to school full time I have lived every day trying to teach them what it takes to be a “Better Man.”
    I know some of my family and wife’s family think my way of parenting is off. Hell I know my neighbors probably do. But I hold my ground with my core values. Kids come first!
    People comment about how physical, strong and confident they are when they walk and talk. How polite and how easy they are to understand. Even at a young age they could talk like an adult.
    Funny thing is I don’t tell them, “You have to do this, or that.” I live my life and they see what it takes. Training, eating right, staying active, positive attitude, clean lifestyle and always looking for more knowledge in training. I don’t have to say a word they know because they see it.
    “Strong Man” has nothing to do with what you lift, but how you give back. I believe Arnold said once that it is what you give back not what you achieve.
    Great post! Charges me up!

  2. Dustin hit the nail on the head. I’m 19 and hope to have kids one day but I’m already sure that I won’t be a “conventional” dad. I think people can just learn from watching you, how you live your life etc, rather than you having to tell them or drill it in to them. You got to the point when you spoke about integrity and hard work and for me that’s all that is important, always striving to be better and never giving up on your dreams. Thanks for everything, Zach, and have a good trip!

  3. Great post Zach, and great values. Physical and mental strength nourish each other.

  4. Hey I know a site from which you can download a free little report called strongman manifesto, that talks about the different meanings of strength, not just physical but mental..
    you should check it guys, reading it fully charges me up when im not at my best!
    Thx for sharing us these great thoughts Coach Z!

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