I don’t need no stinkin’ gym!


Today I headed to the playground to kill it an OLD monkey bar type gym. And although I own a gym, I still prefer the outdoors. If I lived in a year round warm weather area, my gym would be constructed with no roof and all outdoor training, very much like the weight pit (the old one) at Muscle Beach where Arnold used to kill it.

Check the videos below with a mix of outdoor and indoor training.

I know they'll hype you up and give you ideas on how to kill it and begin your very own 'Playground Assault"


I have said it a million times and I'll say it again. Imagine what you can do with simple things found outdoors or things you can make:

- stones

- logs

- sledge hammer work

- pull up bars / monkey bars

- playground equipment: climbing poles, picnic tables, parallel bars

- tree branches

The possibilities are endless!

Jump Rope phenom, Buddy Lee, told me how he trained with stones and logs outdoors because this is what he heard The Russians were doing, so as he prepped for the olympics in Greco Roman Wrestling, he did the same along with his high intensity jump rope training.

I know you can become a beast with Underground training.

The choice is yours my friend.

Time for you to kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Here's how you can kill it, choose your weapon:

A) http://UndergroundStrengthKit.com

10 Responses

  1. Great videos! In the second video they were performing a barbell shoulder press, was the other end attached to something or just shoved in a corner? Thanks!

  2. Great video Coach Z! Love the double olympic bar push presses. Great freakin upper body power exercise for a football player. Your the man! Keep em coming

  3. Great stuff here, Z.

    People were training hard and building massively strong bodies before all of this good looking, shiny equipment was even around. Our body is a machine in itself, when used correctly burn tons of fat and get strong as hell.

    Keep it up Z. See you in Tampa!

    AKA DFitnessguy

  4. Great Stuff Zach… Do you work with a lot of kids?

  5. Hey Zach,

    Great video! Are your sleds homemade? What are the specs on them? I have been wanting to buy/make one for awhile. Nothing beats training outside. How old are your athletes?

  6. Zach – Really great to see that you are helping out the teens stay in shape. How many do you have in your Group?

  7. Lemaréchal Boris says:

    Bonjour et félicitation pour le sentiment de force que donne tes vidéos. Dommage qu´en France le grand public ne connaisse pas toutes ces methodes, juste quelques coach sportifs.
    Merci encore Zach.
    Bonne continuation.
    Boris Lemaréchal

  8. hey guys, thanks 4 the great words

    that double barbell is fixed in a grappler, bought from westside barbell / louie simmons and is also found at elitefts.com – AWESOME training tool, really love it!

    we primarily train young athletes, ages 11 – 18 here, so we have 30 something athletes in the program, and a few adults as well.

    for my post in french, i wish I could understand, I have spent several days in paris though, a beautiful city, and I made my way around with a lil’ french dictionary 🙂


  9. Great stuff homie- I shredded the playground today- thank god for gloves! Cleveland weather sucks!!

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