The Lost Art of Showing Up, Working HARD & Being AWESOME


I told my son who just turned 9 that I already had a job at his age, delivering papers everyday after school. My neighbor told me he wanted his newspaper in the morning so he told me I should deliver the paper before school to the neighbors, that it was the right thing to do.

I listened and did as he told me to.

I had my bike stolen in 3rd grade, so, I got another paper route and began delivering one route before school, another route after school. My Dad didn't offer to buy me a new bike after my bike was stolen.

I walked and ran all around the streets as my friends rode their bikes. It sucked.

I mowed lawns on weekends in high school. The most interesting job was at a Pizzaria my sophomore year.....

My friend got me the job and the owner was f--ing nuts, literally. The kitchen was 90 + degrees and I was sweating bullets. The owner was always yelling at me. ALWAYS.

He brought me to the bathroom with a rag and told me to clean the toilet with my hands and rags. He dropped an F Bomb every other word and I cleaned that toilet with my hands.

My parents were telling my cousin this story and it reminded me of this experience. After a few days of work, my parents stopped by one night to visit me and I was already cleaning up to close out the night. They told me the tables were organized in a perfectly straight line, the chairs on the tables.

I had just mopped the floors, filled all the spice jars and folded 5 million pizza boxes. The owner was telling my parents how great of a kid I was and was so nice to them.

I told them this was NOT the truth. Maybe an hour before this he walks to the kitchen and tells the chef, "This f--in' kid, I'm gonna kill this f--kin' kid. He's driving me to the moon, you mother f---ker!"

This is after cleaning the toilet by hand, by the way. I was thinking to myself, "OK! Let's f--kin walk out back and fight!"

I swear I was ready to fight this guy. I thought he wanted to fight me! He was flipping out on me, a kid who showed up early, stayed late, cleaned toilets by hand and worked straight through with no breaks.

I stopped working there but in turn picked up more lawns to mow. My Dad would drop me off with a lawn mower and a canister of gas. I made $25 per lawn and each lawn took me 2 - 3 hours, they were big lawns.

I haven't seen a kid mowing lawn or shoveling snow since dinosaurs roamed the earth. The last kid who did shovel my snow, well, I had to go out and do the job over again, aka DO THE JOB.

Lesson here: Do it right the first time. Good enough sucks.

Interns - You can pay these guys with money or pay them with opportunity to learn, gain experience, build a resume, etc and guess what, it ain't enough.

If you are an intern, go BEYOND the "job description" and show up early, stay late, do extra, don't worry about the money and be the hardest worker in the room! It WILL pay off, not just financially but in your reputation. Down the road, you WILL get paid. You will be too awesome to slip away.


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I am waiting for someone to have more energy than me, to outwork me, put in more hours studying, traveling, researching.

Those who do are far and few between, I know a few guys like this and can count them on 1 hand.

Technology isn't helping, I don't care what anyone says about this.

Facebook tells you to make your videos 15 seconds because God for bid someone watches a 60 second video. Everything is a swipe of the finger away, the discipline to sit, learn, watch and take valuable information is NOT gonna last 15 seconds.

To be GREAT requires early mornings, late nights, working on the weekend and saying NO for short term enjoyment and clawing your way for LONG TERM PRIDE.


Got some?

Take Pride in your work. How you do anything is How you do Everything. I find myself teaching teenagers and people in their 20s to flush the toilet! Yes, this is truth.

Flush the toilet.

Shut off the light when you're done with the bathroom.

Pissing on the toilet seat and ignoring it? Really? REALLY?

Hard Work is offending people. Passion is offending people. It scares people. I am getting backlash because people see the athletes we train sprinting on sidewalks. I've heard people complain about our athletes who run with no shirt on in the heat of the Summer.

We're offended by shirtless, ripped, hard working athletes?

Do we now prefer boys with boobs and beer bellies? Hard Work is a GIFT, the results of dedication and discipline to hard training and hard nutrition is the body of a Gladiator. Thank YOU!

Safe Space? How about a SQUAT RACK! I believe the harder you work, the more you struggle, the less you complain.

For the rare few of you out there who are truly working hard (Some are confusing being busy on facebook or instagram as working) keep climbing.

For those of you making a million excuses (You probably never read this far, anyway), you are going to suffer. The world needs workers. You must be able to support yourself.

I have already told my kids they will NOT be moving in with Mommy and Daddy when they are 25 and scrubbing off of me. Hell no. You will WORK, you will provide value, you will create a business, you will do something that provides value and in exchange you will get paid.

Hard Work is The Gift.

Don't just show up. That doesn't guarantee anything. Show up early, be AWESOME, go above and beyond, stay late and become INDISPENSABLE!

Don't make excuses, don't blame others. You're exactly where you want to be.

You want more? Then do more and get better. You get what you earn.

Live The Code 365,


Online Training with Zach

Changing The World Through STRENGTH

10 Responses

  1. Simple, real world, universal TRUTH! Thank you for delivering this important message. I can only hope that young men and women read it all, take it to heart, and live it.

    1. I hope so also, Frank! I am not sure who reads blogs anymore, you can’t swipe away in 3 seconds and it takes 5 minutes to read.

      Our brains have been wired differently the past 2-4 yrs due to technology so we can’t focus like we used to!

  2. zach most children are lazy and spoiled… soft and unenergetic.. Much respect for you in your youth and battles… keep on telling it like it is!!!!

  3. Love this article, Zach. Your speaking the truth in a world where mediocrity is the new pinnacle of effort.

  4. Alex Foster says:

    I read this before bed and I was too fired up to sleep!

    Great stuff Zach

  5. Jim Thompson says:

    WORK!!! Great read man. Thanks as always! #IAMTHESTORM

  6. Another great post Coach! I hope you are doing well!

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