I've spoken at length about how waiting for perfection will kill progress.
I've spoken about it with regards to training as well as business.
Where did this idea come from that for you to get started things have to be perfect?
Here are my thoughts on worrying about perfection.....
[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrtxr34eVOY[/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2Y4B3wqdu4&index=1[/youtube]
There is always a way.
The worries of how many sets and reps, box squat or no box, hook grip or switch grip.... It ALL gets in the way of you simply getting to your training and attacking.
You can decide right now if you're going to spend endless hours a day reading 20 articles or simply get under the bar and learn the hard way. The RIGHT way.
Get after it.
Live The Code 365.
The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning
6 Responses
Great points Zach. It’s cool to see people being creative. We used to make all of our own toys at the firehouse. Mostly made out of other people’s trash and dirt and concrete. We still have a few around. I’ll get some pics.
NICE brotha I wanna see pics!!!
You’re right Zach!
You definitely should be safe but after that…just lift stuff & be progressive with weight, reps, sets, whatever.
You can spend all day reading & searching & always find opposing views. Just go do something & get better as you stick with it.
Back in 2009 I was laid off my job and one day while walking by Rick’s Tire Barn , seeing all those tires got the mental wheels turning. I googled “working out with tires”, found a guy in Australia who had a routine involving various exercises using tires not big enough for flipping. It changed my life, I began creating my own exercises then soon found myself at Home Depot looking for more inspiration which eventually led me to The Underground. It’s a empowering feeling to know that you can use just about anything to build real strength. Inspiration=creativity=strength
Kevin, nice bro
Ive seen guys using pipes with tires for their barbells.
Doing deads, cleans, press….
There is ALWAYS a way.
Nothing could stop Joe Kinney from reaching his goal. Be like Kinney – be unstoppable.