WHY You MUST Be Able To Figure Things Out On Your OWN


Do this, Do that.

Rest this long, do x sets, x reps, bla bla bla.

If you always have someone telling you what to do, how to do it, when to do......

You will never succeed in anything. You have to figure things out on your own. You must be willing to experiment, to make mistakes and most of all, to fight back and learn to do things better.

Every morning of a holiday I like to hold Holiday morning training sessions at The Underground Strength Gym. You can see some OLD videos below and how we held competitions and just attacked our training.

Well, this past Christmas eve morning, I posted exercises for the athletes but they asked how many sets, how many reps?

Throwback from 2009

Kids were different back then?

Notice the athletes in training, some of them were not "athletes", meaning they didn't compete, they were doing what we call Training for LIFE.

The Anvil: 130 lbs

The Atlas Stones: 175, 260 lbs

Log Press: 80 lb Log, 50 - 90 lbs added on log bar.

Figure it out.

OWN your life.

OWN the day.

The very thing that defeats us is self doubt, and, the very thing that creates more success is BELIEVING IN YOURSELF!

In Strength, Live The Code 365,


Join The Underground Strength Academy HERE

2 Responses

  1. I used to love to play “Kill the man with the ball” and “kiing of the mountain” and tackle foitball with no pads.
    We got bloody, bruised, snd filthy. It was a blast!!!!
    Keep building tough kids up there, Zach!!

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