My trip down memory lane


I headed down to the local elementary school to vote for the town budget and wow did I have some flashbacks.

This was my old elementary school. I remembered the gymnasium as being HUGE, but when I stepped inside today it seemed so small. The ceilings were low and I felt closed in.

I voted and yes, I voted for the budget. These kids need more physical education equipment and better facilities. They need less crowded rooms and more freedom to move and learn.

I remember running in that gym, playing kick ball, sprinting and playing softball out on the back field.

I saw a photo of my old principal, and boy did I give him a run for his money a few times, but not as many times as my older brother did πŸ™‚

I remember not being fast enough or strong enough to play morning Football with the 5th graders.

I remember carrying a BIG rock in my backpack with fossils on it to show to my Science teacher. I also remember how freakin' hard it was to walk to school with that thing weighing me down!

I remember riding my bike to school because I loved riding my bike, it's all I could think about.

I also remember getting my bike stolen when I was in 5th grade, being too small and too weak to fend off the 2 teenagers who easily took what I had worked so hard for with my paper route!

My Dad didn't have the money for several months to get me a new bike, so I walked instead of rode my bike to deliver papers and began saving all over again. I agonized as my friends rode around I painfully watched them do what I was dying to do!

I then walked outside and saw the playground where I began training some of my very first clients using monkey bars, a picnic table and the empty field.

All these memories flashed through my head in only a few minutes. Those memories went back to when I was 6 years old. Now I am 32, and would love to meet the 2 guys who stole my bike, in a dark alley would be fine for me, or, lock us in a cage πŸ™‚

Time flies, we both know this all too well, but we can make our time here on earth into an amazing "time".

Back then, I wish I was stronger, bigger, faster and tougher. But, maybe it was those "times" that have made me into who and what I am today.

My daughter may end up going to this school, who knows, we might move before the time comes. My daughter motivates me to be stronger, faster, tougher, leaner and meaner πŸ™‚

Now she will grow up and of course it will be all too fast.

Again, time goes way too fast. It goes too fast to be weak, lazy, and any other negative thing under the sun.

If you have ever wanted to do something about yourself, then do something now.

I bet you can remember what you did when you were 6 years old, yet it seems like yesterday.

NOW is your time!

Dedicated to your success,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - Don't wait to get stronger, faster, tougher and more rugged. The time to change is now, and the perfect place to be surrounded by the right people and the best information is right Here.

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