Interview With Navy SEAL, Brad McLeod – Part III


1) How have you applied the lessons you've learned as a Navy SEAL to succeed in other areas of your life?
That is a good question, Zach, as those lessons have been my guiding light in years that followed. I learned how not to quit at BUD/S.  As you know I went through BUD/S twice so I had many times where I could have quit but I chose not to.
Fast forward to now and I still use that principal in that I am not afraid to take calculated risk, believe in myself and can always dig down deep and know I will not quit.
I always remember a BUD/S instructor telling us in a low voice on a bull horn, "If you quit now - you will quit easy the rest of your life and regret it".
I wanted so badly not to quit even though I was so cold and tired. I was in the push up position and covered in sand and seaweed.... I looked up towards him and saw a lean and mean instructor with square cut jaw - he sweated "Swagger and Strength" from his pores.

I wanted so badly to win - to complete the drill - and be like him. But deep inside I wanted to improve and change myself. I burned inside to find my better self and knew I had to walk through the fire to find that. I had to endure to become greater than my current weak self.
Recently, I went back to BUD/S after 25 years away. We went as a group with several recent Kokoro grads. I walked out on the grinder and was awash with emotion. I felt like I had come full circle. I had not quit - finished the drill - and helped others. Satisfaction.
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

2) Let's talk about goal setting. Many people lose their "edge" after they finish competitive sports and we see countless men in their mid 20s grossly out of shape and overall unhappy with their life. How did you continue setting goals and conquering challenges after you finished your time as a Navy SEAL?
Once I got a taste of climbing mountains/goals and achieving new heights I was hooked. Yeah, it would have been easy to rest on my laurels and hang my glory day photos on the wall.
But, deep down I knew I was better than that and also wanted to use my talents to help others. I started to write my new goals and say to myself, "What would you do and how would you live your life if you could?"
It was then that I knew I wanted to improve my mind and body and help others. I posted my goals by the mirror and my wife held me accountable. When I did that - things took off for me again and I started to not only set records for myself but also helped others move forward.

I say to myself everyday, "How can I improve myself and also hep another person". These days I am as excited as ever and working hard to complete and finish goals.
Part III Coming Soon......

Brad's Web Site: SEAL Grinder PT

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