Program Design Tips for Athletes / Coaches & How We Train Youth to D1 Athletes at The Underground Strength Gym


With the release of The Underground Strength & Sports Performance Course, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll be learning as you begin your journey towards becoming a Certified Underground Strength Coach.

How do we run things at The Underground Strength Gym and how can you take these methods and apply to your existing sports performance program?

Well, things have certainly changed since 2002 and guess what?

Things change here on the regular.

A BIG reason why is of course keeping my feet on the floor, coaching athletes day in and day out.

Another BIG reason?

Athletes are changing? People are changing. They are changing physically, emotionally, psychologically and changing everything in between.

Through the years and decades, I've noticed athletes showing up with less strength, less coordination, less overall fitness (GPP), less muscle......

The athletes also have more overuse issues, injuries that are ABOUT to surface (you MUST have a strong knowledge in prehab / rehab, even if you're NOT a Physical Therapist).

And then we have the mind......

Athletes are lacking confidence today more than ever before along with being less resilient to life's daily stressors.

The art of coaching is when / where you learn to go beyond sets and reps, deeper than "strength & conditioning". In fact, I am not a fan of the phrase strength and conditioning. To me, it goes MUCH deeper than just strength and conditioning, which are only 2 components of a complete sports performance recipe.

We use this phrase so people (general population) understand what we actually do as it's a common phrase. Once we begin training athletes, I call this Sports Performance Training.

We certainly train strength at The Underground Strength Gym and we certainly incorporate conditioning as well. As the athlete gets more advanced, the strength becomes more individualized and we utilize the many components of strength. Louie Simmons calls these Special Strengths as did Dr. Verkhoshansky, both of whom have written / produced seminars & DVDs on this topic.

Under the umbrella of "sports performance" we have many facets that span from the physical to the mental and even the spiritual. Now, while many try to complicate and speak in fancy, confusing terms, I prefer to simplify.

I don't need to impress anyone and neither do you. As a Coach, you need to provide life changing results. BOOM!

Below are 2 videos from The Underground Strength Gym.

The first Video breaks down what's about to happen on a Saturday Morning.

The second video shows what ACTUALLY happened.

You'll notice my plan for using the sumo deadlift was switched to the trap bar deadlift to accommodate the athlete's needs and what was coming up for them:

- The post collegiate athletes were coming off a post season (Arena Football), another had a big wrestling event mid week, and another hadn't lifted heavy in a while.

- The high school athletes could have done either variation but for coaching the group, I decided to keep all deadlifts on the bar the same.

- Middle School athletes stuck with the plan as is.

Program Design Tips from The Underground Strength Gym

Saturday Savages from The Underground Strength Gym

Now, there are only so many things I can film / record while coaching so you're getting what I call a birds eye view from afar.

Inside The Underground Strength & Sports Performance Course you'll be getting:

- 2 full videos of training sessions from The Underground Strength Gym at 2 different locations so you can see how things change depending on the location, space available, turf area vs outdoor area, etc.

- You'll also get the recordings a FULL Weekend Underground Strength Coach Certification.

- Videos on Program Design with our model of using progressions and regressions. This model teaches you how to transform beginners / youth athletes into a high level athletes through a safe and effective model.

- This also teaches you how to train varied levels of athletes at the same time. I've used this model within The Underground Strength Gym, with D1 Universities, with adults and with Special Ops Military and more.

- Video on how to organize your gym / weight room for maximum results, productivity and effectiveness

- Video on training / business QnA

- BONUS Video where I collect all your questions on training and business and provide you with a audio just for your questions

- Of course you'll also receive the download of The Underground Strength & Sports Performance Manual and 1 Year FREE membership to The Underground Strength Academy

- After successfully passing the online exam, you'll be added to our private facebook group of Underground Strength Coaches and THEN, you'll be invited to travel to The Underground Strength Gym to take part in Level 1 Underground Strength Coach Seminar where you will learn how to apply these methods and also be tested in your ability to teach and coach these methods.

We are NOT allowing coaches to be certified only through the online exam. To raise the standard you must come to The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan, NJ.

I'll be announcing when we open up the doors to this course next week so make sure you're on my newsletter HERE.

ANY questions on program design or running your gym / strength & conditioning program, make sure you use the search bar and listen to episode 200 of The STRONG Life Podcast as it's dedicated to the Business of Strength & Conditioning.

Till the next time.

Live The Code 365,


The Online Underground Strength Coach Certification Course

4 Responses

  1. Joshua Sponsler says:

    Hey boss! I have completed you Nesta cert when it was still available, and I am looking to find out the prices for the level one cert in Jersey. Where can I get info?

    1. Josh then you’re already certified.

      If you’re not in our private FB group, please e mail me.

      I am not changing any rules on those who already got certified!


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