Q & A from a skinny guy and a former inmate


Today I had a skinny guy stop into the gym....after he left the gym next door.

The other day, another skinny guy who confessed to being a former inmate stopped by as well.

I'm starting to worry who the heck will be stopping by next.

The former inmate confessed he was way bigger in "the pen". I bet he was....eating all day, push ups and sit ups every day, hitting the weight pile almost daily. What can you do in the weight pile?

Nothing fancy.....I saw what the prisons have: benches, barbells, dumbbells, dip bars, pull up bars, squat racks. These are the essentials.

Today's drop in was a guy I have seen for YEARS as I used to train at the gym next door. He has not changed in about 7 years while training 4 days a week. He was pissed off that he still weighs 135 lbs.

I bet if I looked at how he ate it would be pretty poor, with not enough quality food, skipping breakfast, no post workout meals and enough food to keep a 5 year old kid satisfied.

Training mistakes? He said he squats and deadlifts - are these magic exercises? Hmmmmm, they're supposed to work like magic, but, if your entire program is not organized well, squats, deadlifts and all the other top notch exercises won't do jack sh*t for you.

So, here we have two guys in frustration....both skinny and unable to get bigger, stronger or more muscular.

One guy has been struggling for what I know to be 7 years.....at least.

Soon I'll post photos of a once 88 lb. weakling who began training with us 2 years ago, and now weighs 125 lbs. 125 may seem like nothing to you, but, that is a whopping 37 lbs of added weight, much of it muscle.

Stay tuned!

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - Wanna get jacked and strong? Want muscles that truly are "functional'? Want to have FUN while training? Click HERE and get after it!

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