Q & A on Squats


   Question on squats. How often do you include squats in your workout?
What kind of squats do you use (zercher, front, breathing, etc.)? Thanks!



I personally do squats at least every other week. Usually I alternate deadlifts and squats, but, it's not absolute. There are times where I squat several weeks in a row.

I use MANY different squat variations, all of which you'll see outlined through various articles at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com

There are times where I break all the rules and perform several different squats all in the same workout.

Box squats, olympic squats, sandbag squats, zercher squats and anything else I can shock my body with.

In the video above you can see me box squatting with chains and bands.

I definitely believe BIG time in squats. They pack on muscle like no other exercise, speed up the metabolism and have an overall effect on the entire body, something I have never experienced or seen with any other exercise!

Unless you have a physical condition that forces you to avoid squats, I suggest hitting them regularly!

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - If you want to learn more muscle building secrets that I use with myself and my clients then check out http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com

2 Responses

  1. I don’t know what more BEAST you or the DOORS. My room mate in the ARMY loved them and that was our wake up music. Sorry I couldn’t stop by last week. Sickle cell is a bitch.


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