Random Thoughts November 2020


Sometimes I write for no other reason than to write for myself. That's right, just for me. It's a great way to cleanse the mind and get something out of your head and onto paper or in this case, on the computer. I don't care that "blogging isn't cool anymore" or whatever other bull shyt people like to spout.

The photo above is because I often talk about a "cabin in the woods".

Yes, that will happen. I look forward to that day.....

OK, here goes, for the rare few who actually read and traverse beyond Instagram or YouTube, I RESPECT those of you who do so.

1) I hate junk food.

If I had my way there would be very little variety of food in my house.

Meats, Eggs, Tea, Water, some fruits and veggies here and again, and probably nothing else. Peanut Butter actually. There would be peanut butter. Nothing beats a solid PBnJ sandwich.

In my early 20s my parents went to Israel for 2 weeks and I handled the food shopping. I had eggs, hamburger patties, meal replacement shakes and some fruit here and there. I felt great.

2) 1 of the toughest things in parenting is when you have to explain to your kids how others will hurt them.

It is heartbreaking, actually. And you see this from kids and even adults. You see adults heavily engaging in gossip and sh-t talking and they know ZERO about you, but their jealousy and weak mind can only be helped by putting down others behind their back.

I have always said, Gossip is the language of the weak.

3) Jealousy and the scarcity mindset is still rampant.

I used to have a scarcity mindset with the business side of things. People would steal my gym name or cut and paste my entire website and my day would be wrecked as I went into a downward spiral of emotional negativity.

It was a complete waste of time and energy. I have learned that even if someone opens a gym right near yours, it only makes you better and people are going to go wherever they want to go. At the end of the day, it's more options for people. Nobody is succeeding at my expense.

But to this day, I see "experts" who act one way online but in real life they are quite different. If you do something that is similar to them they will cut you out of their life and block you all over social media as if you seeing their info will put them out of business. It is a sign of blazing insecurity and scarcity mindset.

If I win in business, it does NOT take away from you and vice versa. There are plenty pieces of the pie to go around.

The other day I exchanged a message with an old friend who said he's now making $10 Mil / year. It fired me up and he's a GREAT dude which fired me up even more. I was so psyched to hear about this! Another friend has invented multiple pieces of equipment and so when I purchased his inventions and sent him a photo with this text: "I want to see you become a millionaire!"

His success does not take away from mine or anyone else's. It only gives him more freedom, more creativity and more opportunity to help MORE people. That is a GREAT thing.

A positive for someone only equals MORE positive for the entire world. His success or anyone else's success does not stop you from success.

4) I've been coaching my face off since this covid thing began.

I am turning 45 next week and I am coaching 8 - 9 hours a day. This is more coaching than coaches half my age are doing and I am STILL hungry to learn and get improve. This is also the most coaching I've done since 2014-2015 when I was coaching at Lehigh and also running 2 locations of The Underground Strength Gym.

I don't think you can become good let alone great as a Strength Coach unless you are coaching a LOT and pushing the envelope. I still catch myself learning and improving during every training session.

I remember the feeling of "getting better" as I was coaching endless hours and traveling between Lehigh and The Underground. The time you spend on the floor is how you get better. Much better.

5) Coaching is actually NOT healthy.

On the flip side to number 4, I was chatting with my wife how all this coaching is not healthy. Why? Because you are constantly switched ON! You're shouting and screaming, you're intense, etc. That is NOT healthy.

A guy I know who is the same age as me was recently telling me he is searching for the same video game play station as my son.

Yes, a father / adult man in his mid 40s like me, who plays till 2 or 3 am sometimes. Why can he do this? Because his day job is NOT stressful. It's calming and relaxing. I believe to be "healthy" you need some of that down time and relaxation.

Me? I am crushed by 9 PM.


Because coaching is exhausting. You're intense, you're shouting, you're constantly switched on, the music is pumping, things happen that stress you......

It is likely taking 10 years off my life if I am being honest.

It is not something to be done into your "later years" if you ask me.

I am going to be careful and need to brainstorm and readjust once all this covid sh-t is over and government is done power tripping.

Until the next time, stay connected via my newsletter for the rare few who read e mails. THAT is where I share my best info.

The Underground Strength Store

4 Responses

  1. Steve Sorensen says:

    Wow. 8-9 hours a day of coaching! Thats incredible. I assume you’re no longer teaching PE? When did you get out of teaching? Only asking because I’ve been teaching PE for 32 years and looking to get out.

    1. Steve, I left PE in 2009. Then 2014 – 2015 was at Lehigh, 2017-2018 at Rutgers.
      Then returned to PE as a full time Strength Coach at a high school, under the Phys Ed Department.

      32 years is amazing, my man! I coach 5 or 6 groups at the high school, 3 or 4 at The Underground.

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