I've been following some of the workouts from SEAL Fit this past week and adapting them slightly to my own according to injuries and my infancy to the program. My volume is WAY less than they recommend, and those LONG distance ruck walks seem nuts but I'll get into some of their methods more and more with each passing week.
Once the rain stops here in The Dirty Jer-Z I'm gonna ride my mountain bike to Uncle Mike's gym, crank a workout then ride home, it will be a solid initial test with regards to a workout with more volume and conditioning mixed in.
Check the vid below of round 1 from a SEAL Fit workout. I finished 4 rounds in 17 min. 26 sec. I later realized I did not include the burpees, which is fine as my shoulder is still on the mend. The workout called for 7 rounds, and I'll be building up to that as well
As you can see, I am rarely, if ever, satisfied with my success, I always want more.
Check the video below, and you'll see I subbed lateral wall walks for handstand push ups and double squats for the barbell thruster. Only my first set was Kettlebell Thrusters. In 2 weeks or less my shoulder will be fully ready to crank and I'll be getting back to more overhead work.
Don't worry, I will still have my strength focused days but even on those days, I will push the pace along with moving heavy weights. I've always been into the faster paced workouts and prefer incomplete recovery as opposed to sitting around in between sets.
We've got 2 weeks to go till I crank the 1 mile town race, should be interesting.
ALL my workouts are currently centered around competing in some way, shape or form. I love it. I feel young again, reminds me of wrestling and the ability to be able to go through hellish workouts without getting my ass whooped is something I want in my hands AGAIN.
Although I am VERY far from being in the condition I want to be, I feel better than I have in a LOOOOONG time. Gotta keep kickin' ass. Keep the goal in my mind and do all the things I MUST do, not just what I WANT to do.
My nutrition is tighter than ever, lots of fruits and veggies and less calories.
Question for You: What competition have you signed up for that is coming in the near future? If not, go find something and step up to the plate. Drop a comment and share your upcoming competition.
In Strength,
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16 Responses
NYC half marathon
I’ll be competing in the Highland Games at the Austin Celtic Festival this Sunday. I’ll be competing in the Masters (over 40) group as well as against the younger guys ’cause you gotta measure yourself against the best.
Looks like you got in a good workout. I have stolen a lot of navy seal type of training and used them with my athletes, mainly the body weight/group training workouts. They always produce!!!!
I’m currently training for my first track meet on Jan 29th up in Boston. This blog post definitely has me even more motivated to a bomb on that track. Keep training hard!
Looking Lean Zach!
I have an iceclimbing trip the end of February that had become an annual event with old friends I rarely see. They are far technically superior skill-wise than I am. The only way I can keep up is with brute strength, conditioning and probably a little bit of crazy. They have dubbed my climbing “gorrila style”. I have not been able to go the last two years. This year, I wanna do more than keep up!
nice Zach!
Always love your workouts Zach, Here at Girevik u.k. we like to do say a 7 station circuit, do 3 rounds of that, mixing upper and lower body exercises, sometimes we will just hit upper body one day and lower the next, we like to throw into the mix such exercises as Gym ring work (Archers Press, Bent knee Dips) Kettlebell Pistol Squats, Cossack Squats, Balistic Swings, (instead of the hips doing the work, you have to rip the kettlebell down on the top end, but then be ready to stop at the bottom end to get the bell up at a quick pace, this really kills the forearms, core, so try to imagine doing swings really quickly, with sharp movements, these are a Slayer!!) i will put together a vid of the type of thing we do for you over the next couple of weeks. heres some of the exercises we do in the interim
keep up the good work mate, always a joy to watch.
From your fans over the pond, Marc
Strong work in the vid, Zach.
I, along with several others just competed in a circuit of bodyweight movements for time. It was through my site, http://www.nowyoutry.com. Now You Try runs a free video contest every month, and the winners receive prizes (October’s was a Pure Protein 16-sample pack).
I firmly believe, as you do, that competing in some way, shape or form is a great driver to achieve your goals. We have a great community of like-minded folks at Now You Try that are itching for new challenges every month.
This month’s contest is highest box jump. I have a feeling this one is going to pretty intense. Anyone reading who would like to answer Zach’s challenge to “step up to the plate,” I encourage you to come check us out and compete. It’s a great community and we have some awesome featured athletes that people can follow as well.
We also just added a “Trophy Room” feature where anyone who competes in ANY kind of event can submit their results along with pics and videos. Great for bragging rights and encouraging new athletes.
Keep it up man. You rock!
SealFit’s rock man! I was in the same boat earlier this year, trying to rock entire work outs all at once…It was just too much volume for me. Now I either do them in segments, do parts of them, or simply use them as inspirations into my workouts. They rock!
In a personal/professional level, I’m gonna bein rocking the CPAT for a fire department in mid december. Other than that me and a couple of my guys are going to put a team together for the Tough Mudder coming up this next year. It’s a brutal race!
I have enlisted into the US Army. I plan on completing the PT assessment well over the minimums…the running is going to suck tho lol
Excellent post Zach.
I am always in competetion with myself –
squat 225 x 20
pullups 15x
Standing BB Military Press 135 x 10
I have been at each of these points at various times
in my life…time to conquor each again.
And then be able to pull it off when I turn 40, 50, and 60
years of age!
Lets Go!
Ever Since I got my little Gym Boss timer I’ve been timing myself on everything and then trying to beat that time. I timed myself up Mt. Mansfield (47:36) riding up Bolton Valley (35:34) and so on. Time is always the greatest opponent.
BTW Zach if you ever want to take a vacation up here in New England You’re welcome to crash at my place, workout in my basement gym and we can hit the trails and play grounds around here.
also; any word on a Level 2 Underground cert coming next year???
I’m so there!
I always do finishers. Your body wants to stop, but the winning inner strength looks at the finish line and does not give up. Happy Friday!
Great post! SEALfit is local here in San Diego and has an amazing program. I have been following them work for awhile. You want the real deal, go to one of his SEALfit camps. Mark and his crew know what’s up when it comes to workouts. Best experience you will ever have.
Great blog, planning on doing a tough mudder at some stage I am doing the spartan race next month you should check it out. http://www.spartanrace.com