Strength Lessons From My Old School Muscle Magazine Collection


I was listening to an interview done with Lance Dreher, 1 of the Bodybuilders from the 80s and early 90s. They were asking Lance about his arm workout and here is where the lessons start hitting home.

Lance asked Sergio Oliva what Sergio did for arms. Sergio said he did lots of Barbell Cheat Curls with 205+ lbs, and heavy Barbell Skull crushers with over 200 lbs.

In a book I was reading, there were stories of Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia. Larry was training with The Iron Guru, Vince Gironda and they said Larry was doing BB Skull Crushers with 250+lbs.

So listen, that Golden Era of Bodybuilding, those guys lifted heavy. They were STRONG.

It's interesting how in the 90s the magazines were preaching all this "feel the muscle, peak contraction" type training.

Heavy Lifting with proper technique makes you feel GREAT.

Check out some of the Strength lessons and inspiration I found through my old school strength & health / muscle mag collection.

I've been training since 1989, part of me feels inspired to write a book only about stories I remember and experienced in my 29 years of lifting.

I don't know how many people read blogs nowadays or even books for that matter.

These magazines and books will be passed on to my son, I hope he reads them and uses them. They must live on!

Live The Code 365,


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2 Responses

  1. Roy Sanders says:

    I love bodybuilding.

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