STRONG Life Insider Ep. 46: Fighting to EARN Your Success


There's a of of talk out there regarding success and how it should NOT be a grind, that it should be easy. When the truth is, it IS hard. There's no 2 ways about it. Whether it's athletics, academics, career, business, etc - success takes WORK.

And I KNOW, it has been a while since I have shared a STRONG Life Insider.

Well, sometimes I feel like talking instead of writing.

Nobody wants to hear about my crazy schedule, anyway.

So, without further ado, here we go:

- Intensity lessons and building a STRONG culture at The Underground Strength Gym

- That time I squatted 315 for 22 reps and 225 for 50 reps

- The power of the mind and visualization

- Why Nobody can help you until you help yourself FIRST

- Why Easy things do NOT teach you about life

- When do people start to get strong? What does it finally take?

- Learning to fight.....

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Resources Mentioned:

STRONG Life Brotherhood for Strength Coaches

Underground Strength Coach Cert

Underground Strength Academy

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