It's shocking how many people only want the FREE things.
Not just free in regards to money, but also free in regards to effort.
It's a sign of the times and as a Strength Coach, I feel it's my duty to change this.
If you're a Strength Coach, you should feel the same obligation. You should be inspired and motivated to create change, especially among the weak and timid souls who think they are entitled to everything.
Yes, these complainers irritate me with their poor attitudes but I will get my message to them.
They will Start Here & put in the Sweat Equity.
Those who are walking around with a feeling of entitlement, always complaining, believing things should be FREE are Wrong on all fronts.
Nothing is Free.
Everything comes with a price. Perhaps not in the form of money, but always in the form of effort, dedication and sweat equity.
Watch the Video for my thoughts on the complainers VS the Doers.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCiKS3R1pvw[/youtube]
There might be some complainers reading this blog post and watching this video right now.
They are likely wanting free this and free that.
If you've learned any great life lessons through sweat equity, drop a comment below and leave a message for those who think everything in life should be free for them.
I want to see more people of ALL ages, not just the younger generation but plenty of adults / parents out there - I want to see them ALL wanting and loving the opportunity to put in some serious SWEAT EQUITY.
Looking forward to your comments.
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14 Responses
Great message and haters gonna hate
You supply so much great content for free it’s actually pretty unbelievable. For pure motivation alone, your emails are worth their weight in gold. I think you’re right on point when you say that those who complain about cost and everything else never take action. Keep up the great work and keep inspiring those who wish to take action and succeed. Thank you for all you do!
Randall, Much Respect, brotha!
Can’t agree enough. As good as my high school program is, I see parents sending their kids to inferior sessions and paying top dollar for it. For our business in town, I have given more away than I can count. I am saying F That from now on. I can’t under-sell myself anymore. Not enough people appreciate the hard ass, well thought out system we deliver. I’ll never sell myself short again! Thanks for the knowledge, passion and consistency in your words! Compete Every Day!
Paul, training athletes is NO joke. You MUST stand for something…..
Parents, unfortunately, will go to places cheaper or closer to home, they are LOST w/regards to quality….
It’s a shame, but parents need to use their brains as well.
Keep kicking ass, brotha!
Z,I have no tolerance for cry babies, energy vampires, wusses, or excuse-makers either.
I still kick people out of my gym when it’s necessary. If anyone quits without good reason, like a military deployment or family emergency, they are permanently banned.
I train mostly Masters age gals who have more guts and a hungry desire to train hard and lift heavy than many guys 1/2 their age.
I have a few young guys who are dedicated enough for our training, but not many.
Frank, keep crushing it, keep leading from the front and don’t stray from your standards!!
Big Man,
I have been following your blogs, video material and a workout you dedicated to a book I bought. Your straight talking is refreshing and welcomed. Your material is having a really positive result. I am seeing junk around the place as opportunities to do some lifting! Keep going.
W. (Ireland)
Hi Zach. I have been searching for your free barbell workout for quite some time and can’t find it. I was wondering if you could send a link. i would really appreciate it.
FREAK STrength comes when you subscribe at https://zacheven-esh.com/start-here
ok thank you man. I really appreciate it.
Zach, I first heard about you on Mark Bell’s power cast, and your passion for training young athletes has inspired me to take MY training to the next level. Even though I’ve played sports and lifted weights since I was fourteen, I invested in a personal trainer at my local gym. I bought your book, The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning. I just finished a bad ass stone workout and the little muscles in my hands and forearms are twitching as I type this comment.
The point is, all my lifts are progressing faster than ever. My mental attitude is more focused on my goals in the gym and in life. I’ve made tremendous gains in strength in one month with minimal investment. Think of the possibilities when I buy my own equipment. I will take care of my toys. Hell, I keep my stone in the truck of my car b/c I’m scared someone will steal it. One day, I will be at your Underground strength coach certification.
Let the slackers hate. They spend more time, running in circles, searching for the best deals instead of training hard. They want an easy fix to their unpolished training methods, and I say Fuc%’em. Somebody’s gotta finish last.
Sam big thnx, brotha, Smelly is a BOSS, great guy who always speaks the truth.
I see no other way to communicate
Greetings from Portugal.
Zach, Zach…my man well said.
You actually, give us enought free content to inspire us and to be real badasses!!!
Keep up with the fenomenal awsome work you’ve been doing man. And know that haters will always be hatin but achievers wiil always achiving and leading the way to a great new world, full of strong Man and Women, and you sir, are the reason behind it all!!