The 1 Thing I Thought I Would NEVER Do…


Ironically, I have been getting a lot of e mails regarding injuries, pain and staying healthy.

Let me tell you, as an addict of heavy iron for just shy of 20 years, I sometimes wonder if life has a purpose without heavy squats and deadlifts - no joke.

But, I also understand the importance of longevity.

You see, I want to be able to do this when Im 60, 70 and 80 years old...all the way until my very last breath on earth.

It hits me hard when my lower back is so busted up that bending over and trying to hold my kids still to change diapers is painful.

That is a serious problem.

I spoke about this with several friends and colleagues in the iron game and they all agreed...

We all want to be able to play catch without experiencing back pain, swollen knees, achey shoulders and other problems.

Now, the 1 thing I thought I would Never do...and I do mean Yoga...

Until, my homeboy Jonny Hinds spoke to me about his hand pain, back pain, and everywhere pain.

Jonny was a BIG time fan of BJJ and Muay Thai - he trained under Rickson Gracie before the first UFC ever was around and won the Pan Am games in BJJ.

But, Jonny also had his share of heavy training until he met a guy named Roger, who helped him reallign his body and very quickly rid himself of all those nagging pains.

I have been follwoing this Yoga DVD Jonny sent me as a gift for a few days now and each and every day I am feeling waaaay better.

My back and knee have been giving me problems and I follow the program for 12 minutes.

My daughter was trying to do the Yoga sequences with me yesterday, which was hilarious!

I e mailed Jonny yesterday my exciting news of feeling better and told him I would do the sequence every few days or every other day.

He said, "NO, you need to go 30 days in a row, rain or shine, and it's not even gonna be funny how much better you will feel! All the pains I am experiencing now are a result of my years of beating myself up"

Jon is right, and it's on, every night, I am doing this 12 minute routine, rain or shine.

Why? Because my health is worth it.

And, I hate being in pain when doing simple things like changing a diaper. I mean come on, is this what it's supposed to be like at age 32 (I'm 33 on Thursday, yikes!!!) - what happens when I'm 43, 53, 63??

It's all about being healthy.

And this means being smart.

My earlier years of craziness were definitely not smart.

Still, I cherish those times and would not change them, but, I am making a small, 12 minute adjustment because I want to be healthy and want to do this for a very, very loooong time.

Until the next time,

Kill it & be healthy!

--Coach Z--

PS: If you have any aches or pains, or, you simply want to add a meditative aspect to your training to clear the mind and body, I highly reccomend the Yoga DVD here:


Simply scroll down to the bottom of that page and you'll see the Yoga DVD.

Keep me posted on your success and as always, e mail me w/any questions. I stand by this Yoga DVD wholeheartedly.

Time for me to get in my Eischens Yoga



9 Responses

  1. bergknappe says:

    yes coach zach,

    I think we all have to train smart! as clarence bass, who is training now with over 70 years of age, said at our podcast-interview at (minute 10 to 13): “when something hurts, it has to be changed. don’t do anything, that hurts! you must find other ways that accomplish the same purpose. you have to be flexible, when you train!” (

    one friend of mine, a former powerlifter also had problems with his lower back. he made some small changes and soon, it was getting better. he made more rest, cut down a little bit of the intensity (not that much) and i think that was the most important thing, did more bodyweight exercises like ring dips, strict bottom-up chins, and so on. they helped him to get more tension in his body! it doesn’t take much, as you said. you are now doing that 12 minutes of eischen yoga. but you can make great steps with it!

    get well soon!


  2. Yoga is such a great way to relax and a perfect art to keep the bodies R.O.M (range of motion) in perfect condition. I feel many Power Lifters, Bodybuilders, Fighters and all Athletes should take more notice of flexibility within programs of health & fitness, to minimise injuries. I have been doing Yoga for only a couple of months twice a week, but I have relised my body has been really out of sync through lifting and maybe more injuries would have started happening through this imbalance of muscular bio-mechanics.

    Stay flexible & strong, enjoy your training.

    Excuse my spelling and grammar.

  3. Marcos Torres says:

    I think Yoga might start becoming more important to many S & C programs. For those embarrassed you can now do it at home. As a S & C Intern with Maddog at the University of Texas I saw first hand how doing a lot of these simple yet effective moves can keep the #3 team in the nation in good shape.

  4. Hey there must be something to the yoga think – I know so many people who get a lot out of it and the more I hear, the more I’m inclined to give it a shot –

  5. interested, but the security certificate for the site has expired

  6. Zach – I’ve learned when I consider that I would NEVER do a thing I am missing out on several gifts and opportunities.

    Like you, I have trained using several tools and benefit by using what works for ME.

    Now go do that Downward Dog and drink some green tea, barefoot… and grow a ponytail πŸ˜‰

  7. I started doing Scott Sonnen’s Intu-Flow joint mobility and Flow-Fit/Prasura yoga each morning, and it has made a HUGE difference!

  8. Simon (DK) says:

    Hey, im just looking through all your old posts, cuz im a huge fan of the show, and i stompled across this post, where you were saying you wanted to do this for a long time, so i thought, you might want to check out something, im not an endorser or in anyway gonna benifite from you checking them out, but i thought it might be something worth taking a look at, and from what i could see the closest place, where they are holding certifications are in boston, so its doable.
    Hope the body is treating you well in the ’10.

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