The ONE Exercise You MUST DO


Wanna get strong as Hell?

Or, in Dan John's words, "this one exercise will make you awesome"

Watch this short video.

That's me, throwing around a 130 lb dumbbell.

The movement: The 1 Arm Dumbbell Clean & Press. Equally awesome with a barbell.

I suggest you do it. And do it often.

Remember, for REAL world results, you gotta train with intensity, passion, a plan and you need to move weight.

Be a BEAST. Become the Hunter, NOT the hunted.

Till the next time....


14 Responses

  1. Antwon,

    you don’t have access to rocks and sandbags? Where do you live, in a tree house or in a old shoe?

    C’mon, man!

    You don’t always have to train at the same beat gym. Get outside in the elements, I personally strategically placed many rocks all arond your residence for you to find, then pick up, then throw. The neighbors won’t care, trust me, I already told them. And find the time to acquire a military duffle bag, it’s a few dollars, tops. Stuff it with weight, sand, rocks, busta training partners, or even just towels if you’re a young pup. Again, pick it up, get it overhead, repeat. Learn all you can about sb training and become a beast, ANYWHERE, not just at the same lame location that failed to produce results in the past

  2. I don’t have access to stones, boxes, sandbags, thick bars etc. Just regular gym equipment. Is it still possible to do the underground beast program?

  3. Awesome stuff Zach, keep telling it straight.

    Have a great Christmas in Jerzee, I’m flying out to New York on Christmas Day.



  4. 60KG! Nice going Zach!!
    You know what, I couldn’t even nominate just 1…
    For me, its anything Heavy – that involves whole body and, PULL/PUSH: 350kg Tire Flips; Muscle-ups with Vest; and 50kg Single Arm Snatch!…
    High sets for cardio, and of course, POWER for STRENGTH development!…
    Love it!

  5. Kevin O'Brien says:

    Big Z:

    Enough said brother…You Walk the Talk! Have a good Holiday my friend. I hope to see you soon.

  6. Great stuff, especially you talking after (cry-babies shut up hehe)
    Love the music in the background too 🙂

  7. Antwon –

    I have the BEAST program, and I’ll tell you that a lot of the stuff does use those equipment. However, like the Elliot Hulse program Lean Hybrid Muscle, he always says that just because he prefers those movements doesn’t mean that you can’t substitute them with something else like regular gym equipment.

    In fact, I personally get all these real world workouts done with gym equipment, or I get creative. For example, with tractor tire flips, I do hang cleans. For sand bag carries, I found it nearly impossible to make one here where I live, so I found a huge ass duffel bag, and stuffed it full of old magazines and newspapers and it is as heavy as you make it out to be (of course using sand or packed materials are much better – eventually I will have to find a better alternative).

    I will aim to eventually have a gym like zach’s (many years done the road; haven’t even graduated college yet), but I don’t see why you should limit yourself just because you don’t have “equipment”.

    Get busy. The only limitations are in your mind.

    Btw Zach, I love ripping the clean and press for time; sets of 6 each arm as many times as possible in 15-20 min. Awesome

    Happy holidays!

  8. Zach,

    Truly awesome move, even more awesome Rockin workout, most of all beast of a dude…you Zach!!!

    Thanks for a Smashin’ Workout !!


  9. Nice,but I still think heavy squats are the king pin of all exercises……then follow up with dead lift, presses ,rows….to me it is more natural to clean a weight with 2 hands as opposed to one.

  10. Mike

    I LOVE heavy squats, BUT, if I had to pick just one, it would be the ripping of weights off the ground and overhead


    because I am squatting, pulling and pushing all in one movement

    we had an athlete join our gym very late in the wrestling season 2 yrs ago.

    My time was VERY short w/him

    we did clean and press, a bodyweight pulling / rowing motion and prowler work

    he kicked major ass that year

    i wasn’t surprised


  11. “Thats dangerous… Shut up!” Ha ha ha, love it.

    Lifting heavy weights off the floor and overhead is great, my favorite is with heavy bags as I find it functionally transfers best into what I do day to day (Kung Fu).

  12. way to take a stand against “pussification”

  13. Ken Sanford says:

    Nice kickin’ ass bro. Helmet and House of Pain crankin’ in the background makes it even more kick ass.

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