Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises For A Globo Gym



After countless e mails coming through asking me to "Please review my workout" or "Write me a workout...." it baffles me that 99% of the people who have gotten the free gift when subscribing to The Underground Strength Insider are still looking for some soft of a fad or gimmick.

If you train in a globo gym / commercial gym, a garage, your basement or in some corner of your backyard, you CAN become a freakin' Monster. All you need to do is commit to the basics listed below, the Top 10 muscle building exercises.

If you're an advanced lifter, hang tight, I'll be rocking a part 2 for these exercises but regardless, anyone who commits to these 10 exercises will become a monster.

freak-strength-success1Go to for Your Muscle Building Gifts

Pay attention to this video, take notes and above all else, Take ACTION and train like a MadMan Possessed (Or Woman!).

Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises For A Globo / Commercial Gym

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

1) Back Squat

2) Bench Press

3) Deadlift

4) Overhead / Military Press

5) Farmer Walk


6) Chin Ups / Pull Ups

7) Dips

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

8 ) Walking Lunges (Barbell On Back)

9) Handstand Push Ups

10) Bent Over Barbell Row / 1 Arm Row

barbarian- brothers-bent-over-row

If you're more advanced we can tweak this top 10 list a little more and I'll do that for you in part 2 of this installment. On the flip side, I have been lifting since 1989, close to 25 years. If I stuck to these 10 exercises I would have NO problems packing on serious size and strength.

If you're going to complain about this list you're in the wrong neighborhood, brotha. You're already looking for excuses to make.

Until then, attack this list of top 10 muscle building exercises. And I do mean ATTACK them. Perfect your technique, add weight and add reps to each exercise. NO coasting, only attacking.

Load up on healthy proteins, healthy fats, unlimited greens, some fruit and little carbs. I highly recommend this supplement as it's the only supplement I take day in and day out.

Stay tuned for part 2 where we tweak this top 10 muscle building list yet still keep it doable with free weights and bodyweight, perfect for any globo / commercial gym or your home gym.

Nothing fancy needed. EVER.



Online Coaching With Zach - Details HERE


20 Responses

  1. What about the pec fly machine, lat pulldown and leg extension?
    I agree with everything you have up above.
    Solid list!

  2. robert barret says:

    I agree. I do love my front squats though! Its helped me alot. Even with herniated disc

    1. Robert, front squats coming to the advanced list! Thnx, Bro!

  3. Kevin Van Gorp says:

    All about the basics, though these days I see that rings should also be a bottom line deal. To keep it an even 10 moves, I’d sub dips for muscle ups though this may be considered an “advanced” move, though it shouldn’t be, we need to own our body weight! Thanks always, ZEE!

    1. Kevin, I looked at globo gyms and 95% prob do not have rings

      Yes, muscle ups, definitely advanced!

      1. Kevin Van Gorp says:

        Ah! Man, just like back in school, read the WHOLE thing then answer the questions. This was all in context of a globo gym! You’re right, no rings at those ‘cans, and generally tough to get in on the free weights too, especially if you go after work. They make all their money saturating their floor space with machines that will never equate to results, that’s how they stay in business! Go BASICS!

  4. Robbie Schulz says:

    Great list! I am a 48 yrs old woman and staying focused on these has helped me a lot. I have been sticking to 10 reps at ea exercise (no more, no less, perfect form). Patience is the key and not getting sucked into mindless low effort workouts. Love your website, thanks!

    1. Robbie, you’re awesome! GREAT work! Don’t be afraid to up the weights and do sets of 6 – 8 reps and even deadlifts in the 3 -5 rep range.

      As long as technique is solid you are good to go!

  5. Aren’t handstand push ups and military presses duplicating the same muscle groups . thanks for your ideas .

    1. James, same motion, but the athleticism and effect it has on the body is certainly different, kinda like benching and push ups

      Same motion but the body works differently through a bodyweight exercise.

      Great call, bro

  6. Dustin Maynard says:

    Damn good list,

    Looking forward to seeing your advanced version.

    But ultimately, it comes down to attacking the basics hard and fast. More importantly, with a passion! Given with enough effort, enough heart, the basics will take one further than one has ever dreamed.

    Just yesterday morning, at 6am sharp. I walked into my garage, picked up my dumbbells and immediately started off with a hell of a farmer’s walk to start the day! Was going to do cleans, but the farmers wiped my grip out (naturally) πŸ™‚ Ended up doing thick barbell Yates rows. Then topped it all off with a Zercher Hold for time.

    Simplicity is often the maker of hardest beasts.

    I wanna see Part 2, bro! Looking forward!

    1. My brotha from anotha motha!

  7. You are right on as usual! If the high school athletes followed this they would all be so much stronger!

    1. Hellz yea!!! For the HS athletes, knowing they field access, I would add sprints of various types and distances, med ball throws, truck / car pushing, sled drags (I would make sleds from tires to get a bunch of sleds made)

      I would build a deadly team!!!

  8. Great emphasis on the basics being worked on with fierceness and focus!

    1. Frank you’re THE man, stay tuned for part 2!!!

  9. Lukas Luko says:

    Snatches and Sprints !
    Great post Zach!

  10. Been following you Z-man for 7 years now.
    I still do WOD’s from your SB, KB & BW courses.
    You’re the most consistent yet ever evolving figure in fitness.
    The UGS family supports you in the fight against the pussification of America.


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