TOP 3 Exercises for MAN STRENGTH


The type of training I see being prescribed for Men Over 40 from "Expert Coaches" is often way too conservative.

It looks like the pump up work I did when I copied Muscle & Fiction in 1990!

Men Over 40 need STRENGTH.

Men Over 40 need MUSCLE.

Men do NOT need to go through these ultra conservative workouts where they never put a bar on their back or lift heavy weights.

Men need to TRAIN.

Men need to develop Strength that makes them useful. The old fad of "Functional Strength" was a hoax of circus tricks.

Today, Men need to train in a manner that truly is functional and has a transfer to daily living.

Can you carry heavy objects?

Can you play with your kids?

Can you perform basic yard work?

Can you do a pull up and climb over obstacles if you need to?

I've been through all these scenarios and every time I am reminded as to how BASIC Strength Training has been the ultimate gift.

Enjoy the Video and Please SHARE!

Here's a sample from my STRONG Over 40 Program. 

What you don't see are the strategic warm ups that prep you before training and keep the common injuries men experience a thing of the past. The warm ups will prep your back, knees and shoulders to make you DURABLE. 

Sample warm up / prep for Men Over 40:

3 Rounds:

A) KB Suitcase Carry x 75 ft. each

B) 1 Arm KB Row x 10 / 10

C) KB Around Body Pass x 5 / 5

D) Band Face Pull x 15

E) Hanging Abs x 10

Notice in the sample training above we are front squatting, jumping, performing plenty of calisthenics. The rep ranges for the accessory work is done in a fashion for building muscle which as we get older, we will lose muscle and strength so as they say, Use it or Lose it!

Weakness is an option, as is Strength.

A Weak Man is NOT a Healthy Man


Make sure you continue to follow the "advices" for MAN Strength in my video and you'll begin making progress feeling stronger, healthier and more energetic than ever before.

Live The Code 365


STRONG Over 40

6 Responses

  1. This will put some hair on your chest and pep in your step. DO IT

  2. Rob Kurzinsky says:

    Even-Esh is as good as any of the “best strength coaches” out there. He never fails to deliver and drop knowledge. No fluff and bs, just solid, proven, result producing training for all levels. Absolutely love everything this guy puts out there and if your inside the Underground Academy, dig in and search, because there is so much outstanding material I am constantly coming across new stuff or stuff I haven’t read (that is still very pertinent) in years. It’s a great investment!

    1. Robert, my brother, I LOVE to see this! Thank you for the trust and the support!

      Keep attacking and stay the course!!

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