Underground Inspiration Contest – Why Did You Build It?


I announced this contest to my FaceBook Fan page, HERE.

If you're video is chosen as THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL Video, you will win a LIFETIME membership to The Underground Inner Circle... That is some SERIOUS shiz right there, KIDS!

Watch the video below and just drop the link to your Inspiration Video in the comments box!

PSYCHED to see WHY You Built It!

[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apcxUDZAGyk[/youtube]

The deadline for this contest is Monday, December 19th! Don't try and make it perfect, just DO it!

Simply drop a link to your you tube video in the comments section below.

Live the Code


44 Responses

  1. Hi Zach
    Since a few months have my own Gym. I’m strength and condition coach with a baseball club. But by a good appointment with the Board, so I can now let other athletes train im mine Gym. I now have some players of the national base and softball team train with me, but also wrestlers and mma fighters. I was inspired by yours method of training, and now I bring that enthusiasm over on my athletes, so Zach keep up the good work and continue to inspire us.

  2. Alright Zach here is a quick video of my main gym. I also coach at CrossFit by Overload and workout in my garage from time to time but this is where the majority of the work happens…


    This place isn’t as Underground as I’d like but we’ve got a good Rogue kit and put in some good work here. My inspiration comes from the Marine I lead everyday and every other Soldier and Sailor serving our country overseas. There isn’t been a bigger motivator than that!

    Keep kicking ass!

    1. @PJ: PJ HOLY SHIT!! Are you on a Marine Base there? That is SIC, the freakin Tank and The Truck in the back??

      1. @admin:
        At Camp Pendleton CA and yeah I’ve got a few tanks laying around! So next time you get out of the dirty jerzee and out to so cal you’ll have to hit me up an come chck it out!

    1. @Brett Summers: congrats on your gym, homie, LOVE it

      I am jealous of the long turf!!!

      Dirty Jerzee needs to lower their rent prices here! ha ha

  3. Ahh ha True, Rent could always be a little cheaper.

    Turf is cool but it looks like I need scoop up a Tank now too….man just when I though I had something cool.

    I wonder if I could find one online

    Great set up PJ!

    Nice to see that the people fighing for our country aren’t LAZY excuse makers and they take care of business. Awesome

  4. Hey Zach whats up I just purchased a book called the 4 hour body, what have you heard about it. I see that you are one of the contributors.

    1. @Matias: bro I LOVE that book and was with a friend last night and we were raving about it! That book is BadAss, I reviewed it on my blog, search for it in the search bar on the right hand side.

  5. Hi Zach!

    I’ve been following your stuff for a couple of years, this is my entry for the contest. We train in Cancun México but since there were no true gyms in the area we had to build our own on the backyard. With blood and sweat we built it, and with blood and sweat we train! as you will see in the video, hope you guys like it!!!


    Roberto Aguilar

  6. Grant Cranston says:

    Also wanted just to say that opening and running the gym like you say it goes further and deeper than just big muscles and i know this sounds cheesy but its changed the way I am in life the way I think about things the way I act my whole outlook on life, made me a much happier person.also the friendships you make with people that come to your gym and the way it changes their life’s seeing people leave the gym feeling good about themselves is the best feeling for me I love just seeing people in the gym working out just standing back and saying this is what it’s all about!! Building a family helping each other become better people physically and mentally! That’s my passion.peace

    1. @Mateusz: Mateusz LOVE it bro, thanks so much, my brutha, your English to explain what you do and your set up is awesome!

  7. Hey Zach,

    I have been reading your stuff, following your youtube and got your lost secrets to strength. You are the man. I use your training methods with myself and now also with my son and daughter.
    Sal is 7 and Marisa is 10. They train twice a week using med balls, sleds, wheelbarrow walk and many other of your suggestions. Your methods are making them animals on the field. Thank you for everything. I hope you are impressed.



    1. @Sal: Sal, this is AWESOME!

      Your kids seem like they REALLY love this, and I am psyched to see a Dad committed to helping his kids 🙂

      LOVE it!

  8. Hi Zach, Thanks for watching.

    1. @Nick: ur DOING it in a globo!! Nick, u rock!

  9. Chris Harrison says:

    Hey Zach,

    Here is my underground inspiration video on why i got started. I love you material and your philosophy on training.


  10. Here you go Z, (finally) was nervous as hell filming this lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5gsaznLE6I&feature=plcp&context=C3d63247UDOEgsToPDskL8UCN635wh-E-EdA9ll33c

    Looking back at it, I still don’t think I got my message/passion truly across, but hope you can get an insight from it.

    Im just a 20 year old, taking the challenge to do what I love doing – It ain’t easy scraping by, infact its far away from it, but nothing in life worth achieving is easy- You know this.



  11. Hey Zach,

    Just back late last night from Lookout MTN, TN, trail running race…so this is a little rough around the edges. But, I wanted to put it in the mix if it wasn’t too late! DARE GREATLY like a warrior!!!


  12. Kip Koelsch says:

    Not sure if this got posted…

    Hey Zach,

    Just back late last night from Lookout MTN, TN, trail running race…so this is a little rough around the edges. But, I wanted to put it in the mix if it wasn’t too late! DARE GREATLY like a warrior!!!


    1. @Kip Koelsch: Kip I dig it! The 2 x 4 pull up bar is SIC!

      You’re x-treme endurance athletes, HUGE respect!

      1. Kip Koelsch says:

        @admin: Thanks, brutha! Always striving to get a little SIC-er!!! Nice thing is that all the x-treme endurance dudes I hang and train with realize the benefits of having the strength (if not the size!) of a beast. So much of what we do is off-road (adventure racing, trail running, orienteering) or in the woods (mtn biking) or on the water (rivers, ocean, gulf) that we need to have functional strength that can deal with movement in multiple planes in environments that are rarely uniform, smooth, flat or calm. The Underground mentality fits us VERY well!!! Bring it on.

  13. I got a question about sleds, If I were to take a wheelbarrow and take off the wheel and then drill a hole in it for rope, would it be the same as a sled that you would buy?

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