Underground Strength Coach Success Stories


A few years ago, Jeremy Thiel rounded up his most motivated Strength Coaches and we held a private Underground Strength Coach Certification.

In these 2 days we covered training, business, marketing, lifestyle, ALL the while in the trenches, training with our athletes, training our athletes, going through workouts themselves.... This team returned to Austin, TX and built a gym modeled after The Underground Strength Gym, called Red Black Gym - it's an amazing gym, with amazing Coaches, kinda like heaven on earth.

Check out this interview with the Head Honchos over at Red Black Gym - love this Team!!

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEcM6cHvdfc[/youtube]

Our next 2 Day USC Cert is hitting Chicago, Details HERE. This is an opportunity for YOU to change your success and change your life, IF you take Massive ACTION.

We also have 1 day, intensive certifications, only a few spots left, Details HERE.

It's NOT ironic anymore, that a short, 2 days can change someone's life, but it has, time and time again.

Step up and take Action, because when it comes to changing your life, you need to do something BIG and do something that pushed you OUT of your comfort zone.

How To Achieve Success?

[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TC6jSRSElk[/youtube]


I was a 3rd year teacher, I used an entire paycheck, 2 weeks worth of work, to get a front row seat at a Tony Robbins Seminar. I KNEW that if I was to change my life that I HAD to go BIG in action, NOT just in thinking.

That was over 10 years ago, yet I'm STILL using what I learned over a decade ago. I went BIG and never looked back. Sometimes, ya just gotta say, "F**K it!!! Time to DO it!!"

2 Day Underground Strength Coach Certification

1 Day, Intense Underground Strength Certification

2 Responses

  1. Can’t wait to learn in Chicago! See ya there! I have a new tire trick to show you. Tire flip-farmer carry combo. I did it this weekend.

    1. Dustin, damn, brutha, I am PSYCHED to see you in Chicago, my Brutha! Gonna be a kick ass time!!!

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