Underground Strength Challenge Strongman Circuit: 5 Rounds of Hell



Here's a Gut Check Underground Strength Challenge for you.....

I called this 5 Rounds of Hell, although hard work is beautiful, this will circuit will test you physically and mentally.

Be sure to warm up thoroughly, as always.

The 5 Rounds of Hell Underground Strength Challenge:

5 Exercises

5 Reps Each

5 Rounds

This is a Hellish workout..... 5 Rounds of Hell, check the Vid Below...

Later that night, I did 4 trips with the sled and prowler, approx. 150 ft each trip. I also did plenty of hanging leg raises and band pull aparts.

If you dare give the workout a go, please let me know how it goes.

Questions or Comments, drop em' below, you KNOW I love hearing from you!

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19 Responses


    I like the guy in the back trying to figure witch pocket he put his balls in.

  2. HELL YA!!! Metal and Mayhem! Gotta love it!

  3. zach,

    did it with stuff i have: a truck wheel about 50kg, 2x16kg KB, pullups with 10kg, boxjump 50cm, i got no hammer so i did rope rows instead. great, i like it!!!

  4. Zach

    Great workout, I need to get a tire.

  5. Paul Murphy says:

    Simple beasting! Great work love it!

  6. Dennis Kiernan says:

    Looking forward to implementing this workout with my players. Also have been running a step-up circuit with the KB’s 70lber’s with a 18 inch box for set of 3 6 each leg. Grip,legs shoulders is great.

  7. IronBeast says:

    Good Stuff!!! I like switching things up and hitting it hard even on a day like today when I wasn’t feeling it. Now you have me motivated to hit it without thinking about it. Time to go to the weight room and “Get my Beast on”!

  8. Thnx for the comments guys!

    I’m on a time crunch lately so my typical methods are taking a back seat, BUT, these ass kickers are fun and I’m def. feelin my conditioning hitting the UP.

    I would NOT do circuits like these w/anything less than an advanced lifter….. or, someone who has pissed me off and talk shit, he he he


  9. This is a good start for you man!

    Here are two newer joints – Jay Electronica – Exhibit C
    DJ Khaled ‘All I Do Is Win’ feat. Ludacris. Rick Ross. Snoop Dogg & T-Pain

    Now here’s some old school trax for ya!
    DMX – We Right Here
    Beastie Boys – Pass The Mic
    Black Flag My War
    LL Cool J – Mama Said Knock You Out
    Nine Inch Nails – Head Like A Hole
    Red Hot Chili Peppers – Give It Away
    Beastie Boys – Sure Shot
    2Pac Gangsta Party
    Why We Die – Busta Rhymes – DMX & Jay-Z
    Eric B. & Rakim – Don’t Sweat The Technique
    Black Flag – Rise Above
    Disturbed – Prayer

  10. Holly Cow this workout is insane!!!! I like to use P28 Bread as a post-workout snack. It’s a high protein bread that builds lean muscle while burning fat. I can’t wait to use some of these suggestions in my workout routine!

  11. Getting after it, son… Dirty Jersey!!! At a boy Z!

  12. I live off of workouts like that! Today consisted of 15 minutes of double kb clean and jerk 5 reps and 5 pull ups: 12 rounds.

  13. Uncle Mike, dude, will hit U up 4 a workout soon as we settle in here and of course, gonna chill some!

    Psyched to eat up on the boardwalk, haaaa!

  14. Matt! NICE tunes, I know most of them, forgot about em’ too, gonna add em on to the i pod, baby!

    u da man 4 showin the tunes the way!

  15. Great Circuit Zach. Me and my pal do lots of similar stuff over here in the UK. We workout in his fields doing tyre flips, sandbag work, car pushing etc.

    Then hit his dungeon gym for Kettlebell work, old school lifts and plenty of bodyweight work.

    If you are ever in England and fancy a workout you let us know. You would love it down here. About 30 miles from london out in the sticks

  16. damn z! i’m definitely going to give this a shot…gotta push my conditioning over the top for a to be determined fight in either late nov. or early dec.

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