Weekend Learning List April 4, 2014


#FamilyFirst - The BEST times are always with my family. #LiveTheCode365
#FamilyFirst - My BEST times are always with my family. #LiveTheCode365

Let's rock this weekend learning list.

I've got a few short videos for you to learn from as well as a GREAT book recommendation.

Check it out below and please share with your friends / colleagues that would benefit from these tips. Thanks!

1) More often than not, you gotta learn to say "Fuck it". This is Why.....

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ac1wA6ogTQ[/youtube]

2) Spartan UP! The Book. I am almost finished reading this book and it's been a while since I've read a book on "personal development" that fired me up SO much.

After interviewing Joe DeSena for The STRONGCast I got BIG time inspired and fired up to another level for life, training and overall gettin' after it! I'll have a video review soon. I have an early preview copy, you can pre order yours HERE.

I will share some excerpts on video as well to keep you fired up and motivated.

On another note, I have always recommended to continually read. Keep learning and give yourself some quiet time to feed your brain and improve your knowledge and motivation. Find books that make you better at LIFE.

3) Too busy and too tired to train? My advice to a busy, exhausted Marine.

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8KHw-fSBUI[/youtube]

4) A critical tip on your Deadlift technique. I see this mistake often so pay attention here:

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRLsVFHbh_s[/youtube]

5) Which Barbell / Dumbbell Exercises Have The Best Carry Over For StrongMan Training?

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEwQpibyl3I[/youtube]

6) Barbell Military Press VS Kettlebell Military Press Explained

[youtube width="640" height="360"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU0qLI3QHvg[/youtube]

Last but not least, make sure you check out The STRONG Life PodCast, aka STRONGCast. The interviews are all about life and lifting, being STRONG in all areas of your life.

Subscribe to I Tunes HERE and a 5 Star Review would be AWESOME.


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7 Responses

  1. God bless you Zach. By the way that’s a phrase commonly used here in the south meaning that “I can relate, that’s awesome, or way to go.” So in other words thank you so much for that first video on learning to say f*ck it.

    I’ve been grinding like crazy and trying to continue to build and expand my own training business and to build momentum with this platform on the world wide web which you’ve done a hell of job at doing my friend. Great respect.

    I really needed to here that video. It’s always nice hearing something like that from a fellow colleague in the same industry. Life is short and time does get away from us so we all need to make the best of it.

    I’m working at trying to do that more and more in my own life. I struggle with that as well. I’m a very type A personality so I really have to watch myself. Thanks for the share my friend and have an awesome weekend.

    1. Brandon yo bro – I hear ya…. back before the world got more hectic, we would get tired and take a nap…. today, we down more coffee, rush rush rush, it’s a way of life we need to get back to. Sometimes, it means moving to a location where the rush life isn’t normal

      NJ is hectic and crazy!

  2. Bam, you slam down another informative and inspiring post and video!

    I really agree with the stuff that Joe DeSena relayed and feel yah on “getting it”

    Train hard and live hard!

    Take care of that ankle!

    enjoy .

    1. Also I am envious..I want that Book!!

    2. I knew U would love it!

  3. Damn man! This makes me sit back and re-evaluate things. I never wanna take a break or just relax because I feel that there is always something to be doing. Definitely gonna say Fuck It a little more often because I can tell the time to enjoy things is passing me by. Bad ass post!

    1. Seth, thnx bro. When you work too much, you end up dis respecting your own time, not making the most of it

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