Shoulder Health + 10 Minute Mobility MASH For Better Mobility & Bigger Lifts



 I have been learning like a madman lately.... actually, since 1989!

But lately, the amount of new info I am learning is amazing and inspiring me.

I am learning new lifting techniques, new breathing techniques and how to take my health and longevity to the next level.

I don't want to end up being "that guy" who used to be fit and strong and is now unable to stand up straight or play with his kids without pain, all because I was too hard headed to learn.

You Must Learn

Learning is the key to life!

The more you learn the better your life gets.

Check out this 10 minute mobility mash up session that I go through pretty much daily.

Of course, there are some things I did not capture on film but I wanted to share this because mobility and proper breathing mechanics are THE ticket to your health.

Check it out below:

Here are a few more Mobility movements I am implementing that you want to pay attention to:

QOD / Question of the Day: Post in the comments section below what YOU are doing to improve your mobility, breathing and overall health.

I am psyched to see your comments.

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7 Responses

  1. 400# on squat. Good work brother! Whats your current PR on the back squat? I’ve seen you moving BIG weight in the vids before.

    1. That was my PR, haven’t had 400 + on my back since my ACL surgery.

      I explained in that Video…..

      Gotta keep climbing now!

  2. I improve my mobility through regular dancing and swimming. Healthy eating and drinking and exercise to improve health 🙂

  3. I have been getting a lot more into yoga and DDP Yoga. Finally got a foam roller for me and my wife and those things are miracle workers. It has helped my lower back tremendously. Good stuff Zach, keep it up, sir!

  4. Mobility and flexibility are easy when your young…I’m going thru a bout of Sciatica right now, and realize that proper stretching cannot be neglected ! Remember that lower back; it needs to be taken care of ! Glad to see that this area is getting some attention !

  5. Thanks for this!! most needed! I do love your dog tho lolololol

  6. HockeyPuck says:

    Zach, thanks for priming the mobility pump. I’m planning on making a much more diligent effort of working on mobility & flexibility this year with the goal being to do an actual snatch with good form.

    I’m looking forward to whatever you have in store for the Underground in 2015, Zach. Keep up the great work – Cheers!!!

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