We are living through some dangerous, crazy times.

NEVER did I imagine I would see civilians shooting each other in the streets.

NEVER did I imagine such divide in our country here in The United States.

It's NOT just enough to be able to lift heavy, run fast and know how to use your hands in combat (boxing, muay thai, jiu jitsu, wrestling, etc).

Now we need to know how to handle ourselves with guns. How to handle others with guns. How to grow our own food (gardening, raising chickens, etc).

Speaking with former Green Beret, Mike Glover, at the beginning of all of this quarantine validates that we need to ALWAYS be Ready so we're never stuck saying those scary words, I have to GET ready.

"Training" now takes on a whole new world of meaning.

Here's what's running through my mind now.....

More of these large chain gyms are going bankrupt. I try not to watch the news much but it comes across your feed no matter what.

Gym equipment is on back order from the majority of major gym equipment outfitters. These companies have NEVER been so busy.

It's going to be interesting to see who keeps training in their garage (Year Round, even in Winter) vs who returns to the gyms. Not everyone has a heated garage or room in their basement although I have a funny feeling Many currently are and / or WILL be making room for a garage gym.

Keep in mind, the big box gyms will have limitations......

MANY limitations.

They will only be allowed 25, maybe 50% occupancy.

The freedom to train at anytime and / or for as long as you want will likely be gone. I won't be surprised if each member will be limited to 1 hour from the time they enter the gym. 1 hour is plenty of time, I often train for 35-45 minutes.

1 way or another, you MUST train. You must FIND a way to make it happen.

To say this world is getting crazy and dangerous is an understatement.

"Training" nowadays has to go beyond the gym.

I've seen the news and it's getting more and more dangerous out there. Cops are resigning on the spot as they are no longer being viewed as members of the community, instead they are being treated like the enemy.

Training is going to need to be much more in depth than upper or lower body training. 

Training now needs to be:

- "Tactical Training": Guns, Knives, etc.

- Combatives (BJJ, Muay Thai, Wrestling, etc)

- Physical Performance Training like what we do with Gladiator STRONG.

The way to prepare is to ALWAYS BE READY....

The worst thing I want to hear from others is the dreaded, "I have to get ready...."


I've got more to expand on this and plan to do so via The STRONG Life Podcast so make sure you stay connected HERE.

Until the next time.....

Live The Code 365,


Gladiator STRONG - Details HERE

5 Responses

  1. Zach, I have believed that for decades.
    Thanks for getting the word out!

    1. Frank, you’ve been trained in the Military to have the right mindset!!

      Today, we are too sensitive and fear the work which is NO good.

      Let’s keep attacking Life!


  2. Nice article Zach.

    I think being fit and having some self defense skills is mandatory in this world but we shouldn’t forget to also have a few basic first aid skills.

    Everybody should be able to stop a bleeding or perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation for example.

    Things are getting crazy here in France too.

    Keep up the good work and stay safe.

  3. this time that we have come to in this country..has been coming for yrs. as a teen i observed changes in peoples work ethic,,quality and the spectre of relying on gov assistance. our society was starting to change… we allowed our children to not work..adults to not work and ethics,accountability started to fade into so many reasons why these people and their behavior should be accepted ,tolerated. the snowball began rolling down the hill and no one ,,or society as a whole cared! we had new shiny cars, homes,,vacations ..expensive phones.. rap music and endless media to instruct us!! as marcus aurelius stated….to change things now would take 100 yrs to even begin to see some progress! you dont gain 60 lbs overnight and it doesnt go away without a dedicated lifetime effort and change in lifestyle! at 67 yrs old..sandbags..farmers walk, bands,calesthenics…isometrics, chains, stones,kettlebells,dragging sled..tornado ball are really all i use!! i addition ..outdoors is the only place i train regardless of the weather. life is not always conducted in indoor comfort and physical work shoud’nt be either! thanks embrace discomfort

    1. Richard, my friend. So correct you are.

      This has NOT happened overnight.

      Not so ironically, there have been a few people through the years who have been e mailing me about this.

      “Get ready” they said. “Stock up” they said.

      You are RIGHT. As the saying goes…..

      “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”

      ― Dave Ramsey

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